
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 29

(1) Which of the following is not a feature of Jayaprakash Narayan’s partyless democracy ?
(1) Dispersal of political power
(2) Constant watch of the representatives by the electing bodies
(3) Maximum propaganda
(4) Comparatively less expensive elections
Answer: Maximum propaganda
(2) Who of the following advocated economic theory of democracy ?
(1) J. Lively
(2) C.B. Macpherson
(3) Anthony Downs
(4) D. Held
Answer: Anthony Downs
(3) Comparative politics as an autonomous discipline emerged
(1) in the 1970s
(2) in the 1960s
(3) in the 1950s
(4) in the 1930s
Answer: in the 1930s
(4) Who among the following has used the concepts of goal changing, feedback and learning ?
(1) David Easton
(2) Karl Deutsch
(3) Gabriel Almond
(4) Lucian Pye
Answer: Karl Deutsch
(5) The cultural thrust in comparative politics became prominent during
(1) the 1950s
(2) the 1960s
(3) the early 1970s
(4) the late 1970s
Answer: the 1960s
(6) Riots and demonstrations are the examples of
(1) Institutional interest groups
(2) Associational interest groups
(3) Non-associational interest groups
(4) Anomic interest groups
Answer: Anomic interest groups
(7) Who among the following has defined legitimacy as “conviction on the part of the member that it is right and proper to accept and obey the authorities” ?
(1) David Easton
(2) Seymour Lipset
(3) Mark Suchman
(4) Karl Friedrich
Answer: David Easton
(8) Who among the following has classified dependency into ‘Colonial dependency’, ‘Financial-industrial dependency’ and ‘Technological-industrial dependency’ ?
(1) Andre Gunder Frank
(2) Dos Santos
(3) Maurice Wallerstein
(4) Samir Amin
Answer: Dos Santos
(9) Who said, “Revolutions are the festivals of the oppressed and the exploited” ?
(1) Karl Marx
(2) Lenin
(3) Mao
(4) Skocpol
Answer: Lenin
(10) Khilafat Movement in India was started to show solidarity with the Sultan of
(1) Saudi Arabia
(2) Turkey
(3) Iran
(4) Iraq
Answer: Turkey
(11) Which one of the following writs is issued against an inferior tribunal which has declined to exercise its jurisdiction ?
(1) Certiorari
(2) Prohibition
(3) Quo Warranto
(4) Mandamus
Answer: Mandamus
(12) Who was the protem speaker of the 16th Lok Sabha ?
(1) Sumitra Mahajan
(2) Meira Kumar
(3) Kamal Nath
(4) L.K. Advani
Answer: Kamal Nath
(13) Who of the following is associated with the concept “Congress System” ?
(1) Morris Jones
(2) Paul R. Brass
(3) Rajni Kothari
(4) Subrata K. Mitra
Answer: Rajni Kothari
(14) In India, ‘Collegium System’ was first introduced in relation to
(1) Executive
(2) Legislature
(3) Judiciary
(4) Union-State Relations
Answer: Judiciary
(15) Which one of the following does not qualify for curtailing the freedom of speech and expression under Indian Constitution ?
(1) Security of the state
(2) Public order, decency, morality
(3) Demand for autonomy
(4) Contempt of Court
Answer: Demand for autonomy

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