
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 3

(1) The Hawthorne experiments belong to the era of :
(1) Mid 1930’s
(2) Late 1930’s
(3) Early1920’s
(4) Late 1920’s
Answer: Late 1920’s
(2) Who among the following described bureaucracy as “The continental nuisance” ?
(1) Max Weber
(2) Thomas Carlyle
(3) M. Crozier
(4) Karl Marx
Answer: Thomas Carlyle
(3) ‘Unity of Command’ means :
(1) That the subordinate will have only one supervisor.
(2) That the subordinate will have more than one supervisor.
(3) That all the units are put under one head.
(4) That the work is divided among all the subordinates.
Answer: That the work is divided among all the subordinates.
(4) The Governor of a state in his capacity as Administrator of an adjoining Union Territory discharges his functions independently of :
(1) The President of India
(2) The Union Cabienet
(3) The Union Home Minister
(4) The State Council of Ministers
Answer: The State Council of Ministers
(5) After independence, the role of the District Magistrate has undergone a substantial change mainly due to :
(1) Political awakening
(2) The role of mass media
(3) Democratic decentralisation
(4) Periodical elections
Answer: Democratic decentralisation
(6) The report ‘Right to Information : Master key to Good Governance’ was submitted by :
(1) The Sarkaria Commission
(2) Punchhi Commission
(3) First Administrative Reforms Commission
(4) Second Administrative Reforms Commission
Answer: Second Administrative Reforms Commission
(7) Which one of the following Commissions/Committees/Thinkers has identified 27 modes of corruption ?
(1) Kautilya
(2) Vohra Committee
(3) Santhanam Committee
(4) Central Vigilance Commission
Answer: Central Vigilance Commission
(8) The Joint Consultative Machinery in India was established on the recommendation of :
(1) Fisrt Pay Commission
(2) Second Pay Commission
(3) First Administrative Reforms Commission
(4) Paul Appleby Report
Answer: Second Pay Commission
(9) Which of the following Commissions/Committees has identified ‘weak governance’ as the main reason for corruption in India ?
(1) First Administrative Reforms Commission
(2) Second Administrative Reforms Commission
(3) Vohra Committee
(4) Santhanam Committee
Answer: Second Administrative Reforms Commission
(10) Which one of the following is the sequential order of the following states becoming acknowledged nuclear powers ?
(1) America, Britain, Soviet Union, France and China
(2) America, Soviet Union, France, Britain and China
(3) Soviet Union, America, Britain, China and France
(4) America, Soviet Union, Britain, France and China
Answer: America, Soviet Union, Britain, France and China
(11) Which Chapter of the United Nations deals with the ‘Pacific Settlement of Disputes’ ?
(1) Chapter II
(2) Chapter III
(3) Chapter IV
(4) Chapter I
Answer: Chapter I
(12) India has signed strategic partnership agreements with :
(1) France, Russia, Iran and South Africa
(2) China, America, Britain and Argentina
(3) ASEAN, Japan, Australia and Tanzania
(4) Vietnam, Seychelles, Mongolia and Singapore
Answer: Vietnam, Seychelles, Mongolia and Singapore
(13) Who have argued that far from an objective reality, international politics is a ‘World of our making’ ?
(1) Realists
(2) Feminists
(3) Idealists
(4) Constructivists
Answer: Constructivists
(14) Neo Liberals, from their Lockean Universe Seek to create international regimes that optimize the :
(1) Rational exploitation of nature
(2) Rational functioning of the state system
(3) Rational application of power
(4) Rational utilisation of weapons
Answer: Rational exploitation of nature
(15) Democratic peace theory has been largely associated with the writings of :
(1) Immanuel Kant and Voltaire
(2) Michael Doyle and Bruce Russett
(3) Thomas Christensen and Thomas Schelling
(4) Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: Michael Doyle and Bruce Russett

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