
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 30

(1) Which one of the following, bearing names of Chief Election Commissioners of India, is arranged in chronological order ?
(1) S.P. Sen Verma, Sukumar Sen, J.M. Lyngdoh, T.N. Seshan
(2) Sukumar Sen, S.P. Sen Verma, T.N. Seshan, J.M. Lyngdoh
(3) S.P. Sen Verma, T.N. Seshan, Sukumar Sen, J.M. Lyngdoh
(4) Sukumar Sen, T.N. Seshan, S.P. Sen Verma, J.M. Lyngdoh
Answer: Sukumar Sen, S.P. Sen Verma, T.N. Seshan, J.M. Lyngdoh
(2) Which one of the following statements about the disadvantages of territorial principle of administrative organization is wrong ?
(1) Not suitable for large areas
(2) Uniformity of administration becomes difficult
(3) Encourages localism
(4) Dominated by regional interests
Answer: Not suitable for large areas
(3) Which one of the following was not a substitute of Merit System found earlier ?
(1) Exchange System
(2) Spoils System
(3) Sale of Offices
(4) Patronage System
Answer: Exchange System
(4) What is the bill called that contains all the demands voted by the Lok Sabha and the consolidated fund charges ?
(1) The Appropriation Bill
(2) Voting of Demands Bill
(3) Fiscal Policy Bill
(4) The Finance Bill
Answer: The Appropriation Bill
(5) Money received by the government of India under the State Provident Fund is credited to
(1) Consolidated Fund
(2) Treasury
(3) Public Account
(4) Contingency Fund
Answer: Public Account
(6) Arrange the following in correct chronological order of the hierarchy of human needs given by Maslow :
(1) Security – Social – Self-esteem – Biological – Self-actualization
(2) Self-esteem – Social – Biological – Self-actualization – Security
(3) Self-actualization – Self-esteem – Social – Security – Biological
(4) Biological – Security – Social –– Self-esteem – Self-actualization
Answer: Biological – Security – Social –– Self-esteem – Self-actualization
(7) In UK, merit-based recruitment was adopted on the recommendation of which report ?
(1) Fulton Committee Report
(2) Northcote – Trevelyan Report
(3) Redcliff – Maud Commission Report
(4) Tomlin Commission Report
Answer: Northcote – Trevelyan Report
(8) Which one of the following was not included in the minimum criteria for ensuring good national governance by Nayef Al-Rodhan in his book ‘Sustainable History and Dignity of Man’ ?
(1) Equity and Inclusiveness
(2) Rule of Law
(3) A system of checks and balances
(4) Transparency
Answer: A system of checks and balances
(9) Regarding the liability of holders of public office, when an official fails to perform a legal duty, it is known as
(1) Malfeasance
(2) Nonfeasance
(3) Disfeasance
(4) Misfeasance
Answer: Nonfeasance
(10) Game theory owes a heavy debt to the seminal work entitled, “The Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour”. It has been written by
(1) Mortan Kaplan
(2) John Von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern
(3) Karl Deutsch
(4) Michael Hass
Answer: John Von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern
(11) Who among the following has remarked that, power in a political context means “the power of man over the minds and actions of other men” ?
(1) George Schwarzenberger
(2) Herman Heller
(3) Hans Morgenthau
(4) Bertrand Russell
Answer: Hans Morgenthau
(12) Which one of the following factors contributed to the emergence of ‘New Detente’ after Cold War ?
(1) Pressure by the Non-aligned Movement
(2) The signing of INF Treaty by Reagan and Gorbachev.
(3) Emergence of Namibia as a free African Nation
(4) Deployment of RDF (Rapid Deployment Force) in Persian Gulf
Answer: The signing of INF Treaty by Reagan and Gorbachev.
(13) The demand for New International Economic Order was first made at
(1) Tehran Summit
(2) Durban Summit
(3) Kuala Lumpur Summit
(4) Algiers Summit
Answer: Algiers Summit
(14) Which one of the following is not correct about Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) ?
(1) First India ASEAN Summit was held in November, 2002.
(2) ASEAN declared South East Asian Nuclear Weapon free zone in 1995.
(3) ASEAN is working to remove trade barriers and develop economic relationship with China, Japan and South Korea.
(4) India became full dialogue partner of ASEAN in 1991.
Answer: India became full dialogue partner of ASEAN in 1991.
(15) Who among the following used the phrase – The United Nations is ‘sharing in the name of solidarity’ for underlining the necessity of the U.N. ?
(1) Winston Churchill
(2) Dag Hammarskjold
(3) Trygve Lie
(4) Woodrow Wilson
Answer: Dag Hammarskjold

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