
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 31

(1) Which one of the following is not a feature of ‘Shopkeeper diplomacy’ ?
(1) It is based on peaceful approach.
(2) It is a means of diplomacy for maintaining peace through compromise.
(3) It is based on the sound business principles of moderation.
(4) It tries to safeguard national interest through war only.
Answer: It tries to safeguard national interest through war only.
(2) Positive peace implies
(1) a ceasefire
(2) stopping the formation of death squads
(3) transformation of relationship
(4) social construction of war
Answer: transformation of relationship
(3) Who among the following said that “Political theory is, quite simply, man’s attempt to consciously understand and solve the problems of his group life and organization” ?
(1) Ernest Barker
(2) G.H. Sabine
(3) Leo Strauss
(4) David Easton
Answer: G.H. Sabine
(4) Who of the following lamented the ‘death’ of political philosophy ?
(1) Robert Dahl
(2) Peter Laslett
(3) Peter Winch
(4) David Easton
Answer: Peter Laslett
(5) Which one of the following answers is incorrect regarding neo-liberalism ?
(1) Neo-liberal vision largely evolved during the governments of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.
(2) It attacked the Keynesian notion of the international economic order.
(3) It emerged as a total negation of Laissez-faire economics.
(4) Its emphasis is on free markets and liberal reforms.
Answer: It emerged as a total negation of Laissez-faire economics.
(6) Which one of the following answers is correct regarding Post-Marxism ?
(1) The working class has not evolved into a revolutionary movement.
(2) Economic class interests are relatively autonomous from ideology and politics.
(3) The working class holds no basic position within socialism.
(4) All the above
Answer: All the above
(7) Which one of the following statements is incorrect regarding political ideology ?
(1) It is a belief system which helps to structure how the world is understood and explained.
(2) It is a set of ideas which provides the basis for some kind of political action.
(3) It is an action-oriented belief system.
(4) Political ideology is not the same thing as political theory.
Answer: It is a belief system which helps to structure how the world is understood and explained.
(8) Who of the following said “Lenin’s party was designed to be an elite, a minority chosen for intellectual and moral superiority, the most advanced part of the working class and so its vanguard”. ?
(1) C.B. MacPherson
(2) D. McLellan
(3) G.H. Sabine
(4) R. Miliband
Answer: G.H. Sabine
(9) Nocturnal Council finds a mention in Plato’s
(1) The Republic
(2) The Statesman
(3) The Laws
(4) None of the above
Answer: The Laws
(10) For whom of the following, science is the fruit of idle curiosity; philosophy is mere intellectual frippery; the amenities of polite life is tinsel ?
(1) Thomas Hobbes
(2) John Locke
(3) J.J. Rousseau
(4) Karl Marx
Answer: Thomas Hobbes
(11) Which one of the following is not correct regarding Marx’s theory of alienation ?
(1) Alienation from the product
(2) Alienation from the activity of labour
(3) Disalienation from species-being
(4) Alienation of man from man
Answer: Disalienation from species-being
(12) Who of the following is of the view that it is not Gandhi who made Satyagraha but it is Satyagraha which made Gandhi the Mahatma ?
(1) R.R. Diwakar
(2) C.F. Andrews
(3) G.N. Dhawan
(4) Louis Fisher
Answer: R.R. Diwakar
(13) In which of the following countries Narendranath Bhattacharya settled under the name of Manabendra Nath Roy ?
(1) Java
(2) United States of America
(3) Germany
(4) Mexico
Answer: Mexico
(14) Who of the following said that God had appeared to him in prison, placed the Gita in his hands and made him realize the simple truths of the Sanatana Dharma ?
(1) Vivekananda
(2) Mahatma Gandhi
(3) Aurobindo Ghose
(4) Savarkar
Answer: Aurobindo Ghose
(15) Comparative Politics is the study of
(1) institutions and functions
(2) all forms of political activity-governmental as well as non-governmental and all political phenomena
(3) political processes
(4) techniques and tools of comparative inquiry
Answer: all forms of political activity-governmental as well as non-governmental and all political phenomena

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