
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 4

(1) Which one of the following is not part of the four main criteria set out by 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of the state ?
(1) Capacity to enter into relations with other states
(2) A defined territory
(3) Strength to wage a war
(4) A permanent population
Answer: Strength to wage a war
(2) Which one of the following statement is incorrect ?
(1) Collective Security aims to defend the Status quo.
(2) Collective Security Operates in an institutional framework.
(3) The diffusion of Gulf crisis 1990-91 is a successful experiment of Collective Security.
(4) Collective Security and balance of power policy are compatible under usual circumstances.
Answer: Collective Security and balance of power policy are compatible under usual circumstances.
(3) Morgenthau’s classification of ideologies doesn’t include :
(1) Ideology of status quo
(2) Ideology of imperialism
(3) Ambiguous ideologies.
(4) Ideology of hegemony
Answer: Ideology of hegemony
(4) Which one of the following is not part of five global commons ?
(1) The High Seas
(2) The Climate System
(3) The Deep Ocean floor
(4) The Arctic region
Answer: The Arctic region
(5) Who said “Kautilya’s Arthashastra exemplified radical Machiavellianism, compared to it, Machiavelli’s Prince is harmless” ?
(1) Weber
(2) Morgenthau
(3) Waltz
(4) Kissinger
Answer: Weber
(6) According to Plato, justice is :
(1) Distribution of goods and services
(2) Burdens and Benefits
(3) Punishment and retribution
(4) One man one work, one class one duty
Answer: One man one work, one class one duty
(7) Hegel’s dialectical method was :
(1) to build a science of politics
(2) to accept the Enlightenment’s philosophical method
(3) to assert that the methods of natural sciences and those of social sciences were identical
(4) to solve the problem of contradiction
Answer: to solve the problem of contradiction
(8) Who distinguished the Young Marx from the Old Marx ?
(1) Althusser
(2) Lenin
(3) Miliband
(4) Luxemburg
Answer: Althusser
(9) Gramsci characterised Fascism as :
(1) Hegemonic revolution
(2) Passive revolution
(3) Bourgeois revolution
(4) Petit Bourgeois revolution
Answer: Passive revolution
(10) Roy - Lenin debate centred around :
(1) Dialectical Materialism
(2) Marxist Theory of History
(3) The Theory of Surplus Value
(4) Colonial Question
Answer: Colonial Question
(11) Deliberative Democracy is :
(1) A theory that champions exclusively Human Rights.
(2) A theory that puts forward environment as the most important agenda.
(3) A theory that concentrates on refining the familiar framework of liberal democracy.
(4) A theory that wants to usher in socialism by democratic means.
Answer: A theory that concentrates on refining the familiar framework of liberal democracy.
(12) Why was behaviouralism shortlived ?
(1) Inability to evolve consensus
(2) Too much dogmatism
(3) It was a localised event
(4) Coloured by Cold War prejudices
Answer: Inability to evolve consensus
(13) Which century according to Easton is “The Age of Scientific Method” ?
(1) Seventeenth Century
(2) Eighteenth Century
(3) Nineteenth Century
(4) Twentieth Century
Answer: Nineteenth Century
(14) Aristotle’s classification of constitutions was based on the categories of :
(1) who rules and who benefits from the rule
(2) ways and means of perpetuating in power
(3) accepting the basic formulations of Plato’s The Republic
(4) to ensure rule of the majority
Answer: who rules and who benefits from the rule
(15) Which one of the following countries follow a semi-presidential system ?
(1) Sri Lanka
(2) Germany
(3) Italy
(4) France
Answer: Italy

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