
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 5

(1) Who challenged the established view that in Great Britain the Conservative party was elitist and leader dominated, while the Labour party was characterised by a high measure of internal democracy ?
(1) Robert Michels
(2) Robert Mekenzie
(3) Tony Benn
(4) Mosei Ostrogonski
Answer: Robert Mekenzie
(2) Bureaucratic authoritarianism is a variant of :
(1) Military rule
(2) Fascism
(3) Communism
(4) Despotism
Answer: Military rule
(3) Which theory held that as societies developed they would become capitalist democracies, converging around a shared set of values and characteristics ?
(1) Dependency Theory
(2) Structural Functional Theory
(3) Modernization Theory
(4) Post-modernization Theory
Answer: Modernization Theory
(4) Legitimation crisis as an alternative to Weberian approach to legitimacy was developed by :
(1) Miliband and Sweezy
(2) Plekhanov and Lenin
(3) Camus and Sartre
(4) Habermas and Offe
Answer: Habermas and Offe
(5) Who said Revolution meant a drastic sudden substitution of one group in charge of the running of a territorial political entity by another ?
(1) Hannah Arendt
(2) Theda Skocpol
(3) Crane Brinton
(4) Hubert Johnson
Answer: Crane Brinton
(6) Which of the following parties/groups the Cabinet Mission did not recognise ?
(1) The Muslim League
(2) The Congress
(3) The Sikhs
(4) The Princes Guild
Answer: The Sikhs
(7) When were the rules regarding Department Related Parliamentary standing committees made in India ?
(1) 1977
(2) 1981
(3) 1989
(4) 2010
Answer: 1989
(8) Which of the following state has a seat reserved on the basis of religion in the Legislative Assembly ?
(1) Goa
(2) Mizoram
(3) Jammu and Kashmir
(4) Sikkim
Answer: Sikkim
(9) Who among the following was not a member of the Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State Relations ?
(1) Justice R.S. Sarkaria
(2) G.V. Ramakrishna
(3) B. Shivaraman
(4) Dr. S.R. Sen
Answer: G.V. Ramakrishna
(10) Since when the Election Commission of India has become a three member body ?
(1) 1989
(2) 1990
(3) 1993
(4) 2001
Answer: 1993
(11) Which of the following approaches is the precursor of the Ecological approach ?
(1) Classical approach
(2) Human Relations approach
(3) Systems approach
(4) Behavioural approach
Answer: Systems approach
(12) Who among the following has specified six qualities of an administrator / manager - physical, mental, moral, general education, special knowledge and experience ?
(1) Fayol
(2) Gulick
(3) Urwick
(4) Follet
Answer: Fayol
(13) Which of the following is an example of auxiliary agency ?
(1) Department of Defence
(2) Department of Home
(3) Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
(4) Public Works Department
Answer: Public Works Department
(14) Which one of the following types of bureaucracy tend to exhibit a bias towards party interests ?
(1) Caste bureaucracy
(2) Patronage bureaucracy
(3) Guardian bureaucracy
(4) Ruling bureaucracy
Answer: Patronage bureaucracy
(15) Which of the following commissions/committees recommended that the financial year should be from January 1 to December 31 ?
(1) L.K. Jha Committee
(2) Sarkaria Commission
(3) Sixth Pay Commission
(4) Second Administrative Reforms Commission
Answer: L.K. Jha Committee

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