
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 6

(1) Which one of the following types of training prepares future recruits for the public service ?
(1) Informal training
(2) Formal training
(3) Pre - entry training
(4) Post - entry training
Answer: Pre - entry training
(2) Which of the following combination game theory utilizes to analyse strategic interaction among decision - makers ?
(1) Mathematics and Reason
(2) Reason and Logic
(3) Logic and Rationality
(4) Mathematics and Logic
Answer: Logic and Rationality
(3) Which one of the following is not a criteria of just war ?
(1) Be authorized by a sovereign prince
(2) Be proportionate
(3) Be pursued for just intent
(4) be undeclared
Answer: be undeclared
(4) Whose Presidency in America was marked by ‘war on terrorism’ ?
(1) George H W Bush
(2) George W Bush Jr
(3) Bill Clinton
(4) Barack Obama
Answer: George W Bush Jr
(5) A unipolar condition to which George W Bush Jr referred as a balance of power that favours :
(1) Security
(2) Cooperation
(3) Peace
(4) Freedom
Answer: Freedom
(6) Which one of the following is not part of ‘Three Pillars’ of R2P (Responsibility to Protect) ?
(1) If a state fails to protect its population, International community take collective action in accordance with the UN Charter
(2) It is state’s responsibility to protect its population from four mass atrocity crimes
(3) It is the responsibility of International Community to protect people from crimes against humanity
(4) International Community’s responsibility to assist individual states in meeting the responsibility
Answer: It is the responsibility of International Community to protect people from crimes against humanity
(7) The Classical Tradition in political theory is considered to be a common school of enquiry because :
(1) Unity in style and manner of argument
(2) Unity in themes and style
(3) Unity in searching the same goal
(4) Unity in having a common vision for humankind
Answer: Unity in style and manner of argument
(8) Who described the classical tradition as “Epic theory”?
(1) Isaiah Berlin
(2) Karl Popper
(3) Sheldon Wolin
(4) Michael Oakeshott
Answer: Sheldon Wolin
(9) Who feared that Marx’s dictatorship of the proletariat would become dictatorship on the proletariat ?
(1) Lassalle
(2) Proudhon
(3) Bakunin
(4) Luxemberg
Answer: Bakunin
(10) Convergence theory pointed out the convergence between :
(1) advanced capitalism and developed socialism
(2) manufacturing nations and raw material exporting countries
(3) national interests in international organizations
(4) need to have common policy to fight climate change
Answer: advanced capitalism and developed socialism
(11) Mao’s most original contribution was in emphasizing the revolutionary role of the :
(1) Proletariat
(2) Intelligentsia
(3) Combination of the proletariat and the peasantry
(4) Peasantry
Answer: Peasantry
(12) Who questioned the view that Locke was a defender of the Glorious Revolution ?
(1) Tawney
(2) Sabine
(3) Macpherson
(4) Ashcraft
Answer: Ashcraft
(13) Which political thinker rejects Aristotle completely ?
(1) Machiavelli
(2) Hobbes
(3) Locke
(4) Rousseau
Answer: Hobbes
(14) Who described Rousseau as a totalitarian democrat ?
(1) Karl Popper
(2) Carl Friedrich
(3) Hannah Arendt
(4) Jacob Talmon
Answer: Jacob Talmon
(15) Power, not right is the focal point for Hobbes. Why ?
(1) Power is more important than right.
(2) Rights will entail duties.
(3) There is an inherent conflict between power and right.
(4) Difficult to obtain agreement among individuals.
Answer: Difficult to obtain agreement among individuals.

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