
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 9

(1) Which one of the features of Rawls’ concept of ‘Veil of ignorance’ is not true ?
(1) No one knows his place in society, his class position or social status.
(2) No one knows his fortune in the distribution of natural assets and abilities.
(3) The parties know their special psychological propensities.
(4) The parties do not (even) know their conception of the good.
Answer: The parties know their special psychological propensities.
(2) Who among the following described the welfare state as a kind of enslavement ?
(1) Karl Popper
(2) F.A. Hayek
(3) R. Nozick
(4) Milton Friedman
Answer: R. Nozick
(3) E.M.S. Namboodiripad’s book Mahatma and Ism is an analysis of Mahatma Gandhi from the point of view
(1) Syndicalism
(2) Socialism
(3) Liberalism
(4) Marxism
Answer: Marxism
(4) Which of the following statements is not true in case of M.N. Roy ?
(1) He prepared a model constitution for free India.
(2) Sovereign power was to be vested in the people.
(3) People’s committees to be set up in villages, towns and cities.
(4) He did not concede the right of secession to its constituent units.
Answer: He did not concede the right of secession to its constituent units.
(5) Which of the following statements is not true ?
(1) Traditional political theory is qualitative
(2) Behavioural political theory is quantitative.
(3) Post-behavioural political theory is both qualitative and quantitative.
(4) Post-behavioural political theory is ethnocentric; focuses especially on western democracies
Answer: Post-behavioural political theory is ethnocentric; focuses especially on western democracies
(6) Who among the following emphasized on ‘procedural theory of democracy’ highlighting three criteria ?
(1) S.M. Lipset
(2) R.A. Dahl
(3) Joseph Schumpeter
(4) Sheldon Wolin
Answer: R.A. Dahl
(7) Which one of the following is not a formulation of Max Weber ?
(1) Rationality, functional differentiation and specialization resulting in order, harmony and efficiency.
(2) Dominant authority based on beliefs and symbols in relation to ideal types.
(3) Dominant authority is hierarchical and related to state and ruling class.
(4) Rationalization and ideal typology method.
Answer: Rationality, functional differentiation and specialization resulting in order, harmony and efficiency.
(8) Who said that federalism requires a people “Who desire union and must not desire unity” ?
(1) James Bryce
(2) A.V. Diecy
(3) K.C. Wheare
(4) H. Finer
Answer: A.V. Diecy
(9) The assertion that there is no direct connection between the shape of a political culture and the stability of governance is made by
(1) Lijphart
(2) Wolin
(3) Kavanagh
(4) Blondel
Answer: Lijphart
(10) C. Wright Mills’ The Power Elite (1956) offered a general analysis of elites in
(1) Entire capitalistic world.
(2) Developed capitalistic world of North America and Western Europe.
(3) Developed capitalistic nations of North America, Western Europe and Japan.
(4) Developed capitalism of the U.S.A.
Answer: Developed capitalism of the U.S.A.
(11) Power is like money is formulated by
(1) C. Wright Mills
(2) Paul Sweezy
(3) Talcott Parsons
(4) Ralph Miliband
Answer: Talcott Parsons
(12) Catch all party describes the post second world war party system in
(1) Western Europe
(2) Eastern Europe
(3) The U.S. Party system
(4) All of the above
Answer: Western Europe
(13) Who believed that the success of a revolution occurs when it is limited to the political and not extending to the social ?
(1) Crane Brinton
(2) V.I. Lenin
(3) Hannah Arendt
(4) Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: Hannah Arendt
(14) The Capitalist world economy is made up of “Commodity Chains” of producers and consumers, sellers and buyers linking countries in the core of the world economy”, is the basis of
(1) Globalization and modernization theory.
(2) Lenin’s theory of imperialism
(3) Friedman’s World is flat theory
(4) World system theory
Answer: World system theory
(15) Who said, “The Constituent Assembly was a one party body in an essentially one party country. The Assembly was the congress and the congress was India” ?
(1) Morris Jones
(2) Paul R. Brass
(3) Granville Austin
(4) Richard Sisson
Answer: Granville Austin

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