
Population Studies Objective Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Population Studies MCQs Set 27

(1) Which one of the following methods is used to project district population ?
(1) Component method
(2) Regression method
(3) Ratio method
(4) Mathematical model
Answer: Ratio method
(2) Which of the following period is covered by the latest available population projections for India ?
(1) 2001 - 2026
(2) 2011 - 2026
(3) 2011 - 2036
(4) 2006 - 2026
Answer: 2001 - 2026
(3) Choose one of the following given below relations between Quartile Deviation (Q.D.), Mean Deviation (M.D.), and Standard Deviation (S.D.).
(1) 4 Q.D. 5 5 M.D. 5 6 S.D.
(2) 5 Q.D. 5 6 M.D. 5 4. S.D.
(3) 6 Q.D. 5 5 M.D. 5 4 S.D.
(4) 4 Q.D. 5 6 M.D. 5 5. S.D.
Answer: 6 Q.D. 5 5 M.D. 5 4 S.D.
(4) UN Joint Score (JS) is based on empirical relationship between the Sex - Ratio Scores (SRS) the Age - Ratio Scores Male (ARSM) and the Age - Ratio Scores Female (ARSF). Which one of the following relationship given below is correct ?
(1) U.N. Joint Scores (JS) 5 2 (SRS) 1 ARSM 1 ARSF
(2) U.N. Joint Scores (JS) 5 3 (SRS) 1 ARSM 1 ARSF
(3) U.N. Joint Scores (JS) 5 4 (SRS) 1 2 (ARSM) 1 2 (ARSF)
(4) U.N. Joint Scores (JS) 5 5 (SRS) 1 3 (ARSM) 1 3 (ARSF)
Answer: U.N. Joint Scores (JS) 5 3 (SRS) 1 ARSM 1 ARSF
(5) Which one of the following is five guiding principle of “Primary Health Care” ?
(1) Nutrition, hygine, prevention of diseases, population control, human right approach in health care
(2) Population control, water and sanitation, public health strengthening, quality of care, environmental sanitation
(3) Equitable distribution, community involvement, focus on prevention, appropriate technology, multisectoral approach
(4) Social development, preventive and promotive health, gender equity, quality of care, convergence of services
Answer: Equitable distribution, community involvement, focus on prevention, appropriate technology, multisectoral approach
(6) Which of the following is correct regarding National Population Policy 2000 ?
(1) It has 14 socio - demographic goals, 12 strategic themes and 1001Point Action Plan
(2) It has 10 socio - demographic goals, 12 strategic themes and 1001Point Action Plan
(3) It has 10 socio - demographic goals, 10 strategic themes and 1001Point Action Plan
(4) None of the above
Answer: It has 14 socio - demographic goals, 12 strategic themes and 1001Point Action Plan
(7) Which one of the following is appropriate definition of ‘Reproductive Health’ ?
(1) It is defined as free from reproductive morbidity
(2) It is defined as free from reproductive trace infection
(3) It is state of complete physical mental and social well being in all matters relating to the reproductive system, its functions and processes
(4) It implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and they have capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if when and how often to do so
Answer: It is state of complete physical mental and social well being in all matters relating to the reproductive system, its functions and processes
(8) Who convened the first India Population Conference in Lucknow in 1936 ?
(1) P. K. Wattal
(2) B. T. Ranadive
(3) Radhakamal Mukherjee
(4) Taraknath Das
Answer: Radhakamal Mukherjee
(9) Which one of the following was not part of Family Planning Programme in China during 1950 - 70 under the leadership of Mao Zedong ?
(1) F. P programme was linked with Social Development
(2) F. P was implemented using localised community approach
(3) F. P programme aimed at equitable access to basic education health and income
(4) F. P programme imposed ‘One Child Policy’
Answer: F. P programme imposed ‘One Child Policy’
(10) Most of the countries have expanded their family planning/Familywelfare services to cover scope of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) services. Which of the following world population conference had recommended this expansion ?
(1) Belgrade 1965
(2) Bucharest 1974
(3) Mexico 1984
(4) Cairo 1994
Answer: Cairo 1994
(11) Arrange the following four states of India by their decreasing level of “Ante-natal checkup” (NFHS - 3 data) :

(a) Andhra Pradesh

(b) Kerala

(c) Tamil Nadu

(d) West Bengal

Codes :
(1) (b), (c), (a), (d)
(2) (c), (b), (a), (d)
(3) (c), (a), (b), (d)
(4) (b), (a), (c), (d)
Answer: (b), (a), (c), (d)
(12) As per family welfare program in India, the first check up of a pregnant woman is prescribed in which of the following periods ?
(1) First eight weeks
(2) First twelve weeks
(3) First twenty weeks
(4) First twenty eight weeks
Answer: First twelve weeks
(13) Which one of the following is not goal under NRHM ?
(1) MMR 5 100
(2) CBR 5 21
(3) Under - weight children 5 20% below 3 years
(4) Anemia among women 15 2 49 5 28% years
Answer: CBR 5 21
(14) In view of the changing age composition, the base of age pyramid of India is :
(1) expanding
(2) shrinking
(3) stationary
(4) oscillatory
Answer: shrinking
(15) Which one of the following indicator of fertility is related with mean length of generation ?
(1) crude birth rate
(2) gross reproduction rate
(3) net reproduction rate
(4) total fertility rate
Answer: net reproduction rate

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