Public Administration Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Public Administration Quiz - MCQs Set 12

(1) Select the incorrect statement about the relationship between political and permanent executives in India.
(1) Minister has the mandate of the people to govern.
(2) Civil servant renders policy advice to political executive.
(3) Policy making is the ultimate responsibility of the Minister.
(4) Civil servant is not responsible to convince political executive in case he thinks a policy being formulated against public interest.
Answer: Civil servant is not responsible to convince political executive in case he thinks a policy being formulated against public interest.
(2) Which of the following recommendations of the second administrative reforms commission about making a citizen’s charter effective is not correct ?
(1) General commitments on the part of an organization should form part of the citizens charter.
(2) ‘One size does not fit all’ should be the guiding principle.
(3) There should be wide consultation which include civil society in the process.
(4) Citizens’ Charter should be prepared for each independent unit under the overall umbrella of the organization charter.
Answer: General commitments on the part of an organization should form part of the citizens charter.


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(3) Which one of the following functions does not form part of the jurisdiction of a District Collector ?
(1) Redress of Public grievances
(2) Discharge of protocol functions
(3) Allocation of official accommodations in the district
(4) Disciplinary action, including dismissal, against the Superintendent of Police in the district.
Answer: Disciplinary action, including dismissal, against the Superintendent of Police in the district.
(4) Which of the following function is not performed by Union Public Service Commission ?
(1) Advising on the suitability of officers for appointment on promotion as well as transfer on deputation
(2) Recruitment to services and posts under the Union Government by selection through interviews.
(3) Advising the government on all matters relating to methods of recruitment to various services and posts.
(4) Determining the terms and conditions of services of the staff of the UPSC.
Answer: Determining the terms and conditions of services of the staff of the UPSC.
(5) Which one of the following statements about the composition of the NITI Aayog is correct ?
(1) It consists of Vice-Chairperson appointed by the President of India.
(2) A maximum of three members of the Union Council of Ministers to be nominated by the Prime Minister are the ex-officio members.
(3) It does not have any full time members.
(4) It has a maximum number of two part time members from the best research universities or organisations by rotation.
Answer: It has a maximum number of two part time members from the best research universities or organisations by rotation.
(6) Which Amendment of the Indian constitution led to the inclusion of a new Article 21-A that made free and compulsory education to all children of 6-14 years of age, as a fundamental right ?
(1) 87th Amendment
(2) 85th Amendment
(3) 86th Amendment
(4) 7th Amendment
Answer: 86th Amendment
(7) By which of the following Constitution Amendment the constitutional status is given to cooperative societies ?
(1) Constitution (Ninety Five Amendment) Act
(2) Constitution (Ninety Six Amendment) Act
(3) Constitution (Ninety Seven Amendment) Act
(4) Constitution (Ninety Eight Amendment) Act
Answer: Constitution (Ninety Seven Amendment) Act
(8) Which one of the committees is not linked to Police Reforms in India ?
(1) Soli Sorabjee Committee
(2) Ribeiro Committee
(3) Bezbaruah Committee
(4) Padmanabhaih Committee
Answer: Bezbaruah Committee
(9) ‘Learning about consequences of public policy’ is known as
(1) Policy Formulation
(2) Policy Implementation
(3) Policy Adoption
(4) Policy Evaluation
Answer: Policy Evaluation
(10) Which one of the following is correctly matched in terms of public policy ?
(1) Amitai Etzioni – Mixed Scanning
(2) Charles Lindblom – Normative-optimum model
(3) Yehezkel Dror – Incremental model
(4) Jane-Erik Lane – Disjoined Incrementalism
Answer: Amitai Etzioni – Mixed Scanning
(11) The form of research study aiming to ascertain the salient fields problems and important variables involved in it, is known as
(1) Field study
(2) Empirical study
(3) Pilot study
(4) Case study
Answer: Pilot study
(12) Any technique for making inferences by objectively and systematically identifying specified characteristics of message, is known as
(1) Exploratory Analysis
(2) Descriptive Analysis
(3) Content Analysis
(4) Subject Analysis
Answer: Content Analysis
(13) Which one of the following statements framing a questionnaire is inappropriate ?
(1) Question should always be short
(2) Each question should address a single topic
(3) Avoid using words that are common and in everyday use
(4) Frame such question that respondents can answer knowledgeably
Answer: Avoid using words that are common and in everyday use
(14) ‘The extent to which discrepancy exists between formal structures and actual modalities, between the prescriptive and descriptive, between impressions and real practice’ is known as
(1) Heterogeneity
(2) Overlapping
(3) Formalism
(4) Ideographic
Answer: Formalism
(15) Which one of the following is not correct about the U.S. Congress ?
(1) It is a bicameral legislature.
(2) The term of House of Representatives is 4 years.
(3) Members of Senate are elected for 6 years.
(4) Each state have equal representation in the Senate.
Answer: The term of House of Representatives is 4 years.

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