Ethnicity is defined with reference to
Answer: inherited socio-cultural attributes
Answer: inherited socio-cultural attributes
Answer: Absence of gender segregation
Answer: Product of rural poverty, illiteracy and hegemony of upper castes over the lower castes.
Answer: Below 18 years
Answer: higher than the Scheduled Castes
Answer: each section of society is recognized as resource who needs to be benefited from economic development to ensure that their educational, employment, health, other basic necessities of lives are fulfilled and opportunities be provided for the realization of their full potential.
Answer: opened up to economic neo-liberalism.
Answer: Corporate Crime
Answer: Hypothesis
Answer: in the objectification of products
Answer: Karl Marx and Max Weber
Answer: Ethnic conflicts and development deprivation
Answer: Emile Durkheim
Answer: Anticipatory socialization
Answer: Exchange