
Women Studies Objective Questions and Answers | Women Studies MCQs | Test Set 9

(1) The recent Supreme court Judgement concerning Section 498 A of the IPC states that a large number of women are misusing laws, are liars and filing false complaints against men in which of the following cases ?
(1) Mitu Khurana vs state of Delhi and Anothers
(2) Viniti Gopal and Others vs State Maharastra and Anothers
(3) Rajesh Sharma and Others vs State of UP and Anothers
(4) Shyam Narayan Chouski vs Union of India
Answer: Rajesh Sharma and Others vs State of UP and Anothers
(2) Which European Country is the first one to give legal Sanction to the ‘Gay marriage’ ?
(1) Sweden
(2) Denmark
(3) Holland
(4) Norway
Answer: Norway
(3) Which of the following is correct expansion of ‘ISSNIP’ ?
(1) ICDS Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project
(2) Integrated Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project
(3) International Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Programme
(4) ICDS and Nutrition Improvement Programme
Answer: ICDS Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project
(4) Which of the following are the issues of second wave feminism ?

(a) Reproductive Rights

(b) Voting Rights

(c) Intersectionality

(d) Domestic Violence

Code :
(1) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
(2) (a), (b) and (c) only
(3) (a) and (d) only
(4) (b) and (c) only
Answer: (a) and (d) only
(5) Which committee has recommended the establishment of “National Commission for Women” ?
(1) Committee on Status of Women in India
(2) Parliamentary Committee for Women
(3) High Power Committee for Women
(4) National Empowerment Committee for Women
Answer: Committee on Status of Women in India
(6) Which of the following Umbrella Scheme provides a range of services to women affected by violence in 2015 ?
(1) Women Helpline
(2) Mahila Police Station
(3) One Stop Centre
(4) Women Protection Centre
Answer: One Stop Centre
(7) Which of the following indicator is used to measure the changes in the status and roles of women and men over a period of time ?
(1) Gender Empowerment Indicator
(2) Gender Sensitive Indicator
(3) Gender Inequality Indicator
(4) Gender disaggregated Indicator
Answer: Gender Sensitive Indicator
(8) Which of the following women leader was not associated with ‘Quit India Movement’ ?
(1) Aruna Asafali
(2) Kasturba Gandhi
(3) Margaret Alva
(4) Sarojini Naidu
Answer: Margaret Alva
(9) Who is of the view that researchers are brought up in an intellectually limited universe. The dilemma in feminist research is related to the issues like major concepts, ways of seeing reality and willingness to accept proof ?
(1) Linda Light
(2) Margrit Eichler
(3) Shulamith Reinharz
(4) Arlene Kaplan Daniel
Answer: Margrit Eichler
(10) Which of the following term is correct about a deliberate ending of a pregnancy in a way as to ensure that a live birth does not occur ?
(1) Spontaneous Abortion
(2) Still birth
(3) Induced Abortion
(4) Infant Mortality
Answer: Induced Abortion
(11) What is the limit of Investment in ‘Plant and Machinery Sector’ for Medium Enterprises in India ?
(1) More than ten lakhs but does not exceed two crore rupees
(2) More than two crore rupees but does not exceed five crores
(3) More than five crores but does not exceed 10 crores rupees
(4) More than five crores but does not exceed 15 crores rupees
Answer: More than five crores but does not exceed 10 crores rupees

Assertion (A) : Efforts to end gender discrimination have enlarged the scope of women’s activity and successfully changed stereotypic definitions of feminity.

Reason (R) : Now - a - days enforcement of law, with regard to gender issues is becoming stringent and feminity is being defined with an understanding of variation and diversity among women.

Code :
(1) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is correct explanation for (A).
(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not correct explanation for (A).
(4) (A) is correct (R) is wrong.
Answer: Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is correct explanation for (A).

Assertion (A) : Girls receive greater criticism from their peers for gender inappropriate behaviour than boys do from their peers.

Reason (R) : During gender socialization process boys acquire more dominant and masculine traits than girls.

Code :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(3) (A) is correct (R) is wrong.
(4) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct.
Answer: Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(14) Which of the following North East States form major source points of sex-trafficking ?

(a) Assam

(b) Manipur

(c) Nagaland

(d) Tripura

Code :
(1) (a), (b), (c) only
(2) (a) and (c) only
(3) (a), (c) and (d) only
(4) (a), (b), (c), (d)
Answer: (a), (b), (c), (d)
(15) What is correct about Women’s Studies Movement ?

(a) The Women’s Studies Movement has made some major breakthrough in the content of research as well as in the methodologies employed.

(b) Its aim has been to outdo the men in power hierarchy and ensure more power for women.

(c) It got momentum by the support of Government.

(d) It has apprised the social scientists of the existence of gender as a form of social inequality.

Code :
(1) (a), (c) and (d) only
(2) (b), (c) and (d) only
(3) (b) only
(4) (a) and (d) only
Answer: (a), (c) and (d) only

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