1. Maximum amount of gas found in the air is
- oxygen
- hydrogen
- carbon dioxide
- nitrogen
Answer: nitrogen
2. The nearest atmospheric layer to the earth's surface is
- Stratosphere
- Thermosphere
- Troposphere
- Ionosphere
Answer: Troposphere
3. Our atmosphere is divided into layers.
- Three
- Two
- Five
- Four
Answer: Five
4. A topographical map with scale 1 : 50000 indicates 1 cm to
- 500 m
- 50 km
- 5 km
- 50 m
Answer: 500 m
5. The planetary winds that blow from the sub-tropical high pressure belts to the equator are known as
- doldrums
- westerlies
- trade winds
- polar winds
Answer: trade winds
6. Which one of the following is not the example of planetary winds ?
- Monsoon
- Trade wind
- Land and sea breezes
- Chinook
Answer: Monsoon
7. The percentage increase in carbon dioxide concentration in atmosphere from pre-industrial times is approximately
- 55%
- 50%
- 74%
- 62%
Answer: 50%
8. The 'Hadley Cell' refers to a pattern of atmospheric circulation in which.
- Air rises at the equator and sinks at the poles.
- Air rises at the equator and sinks at about 30° north and south.
- Air rises at 60° north and south and sinks at the poles.
- Air circulates in a vertical direction only at the equator.
Answer: Air rises at the equator and sinks at about 30° north and south
9. The layer of atmosphere having lowest temperature is
- stratosphere
- troposphere
- mesosphere
- None of the above
Answer: mesosphere
10. Which of the following is the lowermost layer of the earth's atmosphere?
- Thermosphere
- Mesosphere
- Stratosphere
- Troposphere
Answer: Troposphere
11. Countries favourably influenced by Westerlies are ________
- Western Europe, British Columbia and East of U.S.A.
- South-West Africa and South Chile
- New Zealand
- All of these
Answer: All of these
12. Which of the following is the lowest atmospheric layer?
- Stratosphere
- Lithosphere
- Hydrosphere
- Troposphere
Answer: Troposphere
13. For short-term climatic predictions, which one of the following events, detected in the last decade, is associated with occasional weak monsoon rains in the India subcontinent?
- Movement of Jet Streams
- La Nina
- Green house effect on global level
- El-Nino and Southern Oscillations
Answer: El-Nino and Southern Oscillations
14. EL NINO Phenomenon is associated with :
- Cloud Bursting
- Earthquake
- Global Warming
- Acid Rain
Answer: Global Warming
15. Which of the following wind is known as 'Doctor'?
- Monsoon winds
- Land and sea breezes
- Mountain winds
- Valley winds
Answer: Land and sea breezes
16. Ozone layer is found in
- Thermosphere
- Troposphere
- Stratosphere
- Mesosphere
Answer: Stratosphere
17. Which is the warmest layer of the atmosphere?
- Thermosphere
- Troposphere
- Stratosphere
- Mesosphere
Answer: Thermosphere
18. Which is the warmest layer of the atmosphere?
- Thermosphere
- Troposphere
- Stratosphere
- Mesosphere
Answer: Thermosphere
19. What is stated in terms of grams of water vapour per kilogram of moist air?
- Relative humidity
- Specific humidity
- Absolute humidity
- Vapor pressure
Answer: Specific humidity
20. Which one of the following gases is found in highest quantity in Exosphere?
- Helium
- Hydrogen
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
Answer: Hydrogen
21. According to the Köppen type of climate, the code Af represents:
- humid subtropical climate
- marine west coast climate
- tropical monsoon climate
- tropical wet climate
Answer: tropical wet climate
22. Which of the following is a permanent wind ?
- Easterlies and Monsoon winds
- Loo and Monsoon winds
- Trade winds and Westerlies
- More than one of the above
Answer: Trade winds and Westerlies
23. The hot and dry winds that help in the ripening of grapes in the Alps region is ________
- Chi nook
- Foehn
- Mistral
- Roaring Forties
Answer: Foehn
24. Which of the following countries has a constitutional provision for maintaining 70% of its geographical area under forest?
- Nepal
- Maldives
- Afghanistan
- Bhutan
Answer: Bhutan
25. In coastal areas, during the night, wind blows from land to sea because:
- low pressure is created on land
- land cools slower than water
- water cools slower than land
- More than one of the above
Answer: water cools slower than land
26. Agents of fog formation do not include ________
- High relative humidity
- Diurnal temperatures of short ranges
- Winter season
- Rapid radiation
Answer: Diurnal temperatures of short ranges
27. Which of the following characteristics does not belong to the hot and wet equatorial type of climate?
- There is no winter
- Afternoon Rains
- Uniform temperature throughout the year
- Orographic rain
Answer: Orographic rain
28. Air pressure is lowest in
- Spring season
- Winter season
- Summer season
- Autumn season
Answer: Summer season
29. Ozone layer is found in
- Thermosphere
- Troposphere
- Stratosphere
- Mesosphere
Answer: Stratosphere
30. Which one of the following local winds is different from the other three?
- Foehn
- Khamsin
- Mistral
- Sirocco
Answer: Mistral