
Population, Demography, Migration, Settlements, Urbanization GK Questions and Answers | Human Geography MCQs

1. Central place theory was given by _________
  1. Ratzel
  2. Christaller
  3. Von Thunen
  4. None of these

Answer: Christaller

2. Which of the following socio-economic factors does NOT act as a determinant for uneven distribution of population?
  1. Urbanisation
  2. Agricultural practices
  3. Available of mineral resources
  4. Political decision

Answer: Agricultural practices

3. What do you understand by Sex ratio?
  1. Number of females per 1000 males
  2. Number of female birth per 1000 male birth
  3. Number of males per 1000 females
  4. Number child birth per 1000 child death

Answer: Number of females per 1000 males

4. The social indicator to measure the extent of equality between males and females in a society at a given time?
  1. death rate
  2. literacy rate
  3. age composition
  4. sex ratio

Answer: sex ratio

5. Which among the following stages of demographic transition is called the stage of stationary population?
  1. Stage of high birth rate and high death rate
  2. Stage of high birth rate and low death rate.
  3. Stage of declining birth rate and low death rate.
  4. Stage of low birth rate and death rate

Answer: Stage of low birth rate and death rate

6. Ebony and Mahogany trees are associated with
  1. Tropical Monsoon forests
  2. Coniferous forests
  3. Deciduous forests
  4. Tropical Evergreen forests

Answer: Tropical Evergreen forests

7. Approximately one-half of the world population lives in?
  1. South and South-East Asia
  2. East Asia and Europe
  3. Europe and Estern-North America
  4. East and South Asia

Answer: East and South Asia

8. What defines the number of daughters who would be born to a woman according to current age-specific fertility and mortality rates?
  1. Net Reproduction Rate
  2. Gross Reproduction Rate
  3. Crude Birth Rate
  4. General Fertility Rate

Answer: Net Reproduction Rate

9. What is the difference between the birth rate and death rate of the population of a country called?
  1. Demographic dividend
  2. Demographic Gap
  3. Physiological Density
  4. Crude Birth Rate

Answer: Demographic Gap

10. When did the world attain one billion population for the first time?
  1. 1975
  2. 1830
  3. 1930
  4. 1960

Answer: 1830

11. What is the population per sq km of arable land available in a country called?
  1. Real Population Density
  2. Physiological Density
  3. Absolute Density
  4. Density

Answer: Physiological Density

12. Which year is called the year of the great divide in the demographic history of India?
  1. 1891
  2. 1951
  3. 1991
  4. 1921

Answer: 1921

13. Who among the following gave the Theory of demographic Transition?
  1. Frank W. Notestein
  2. Alexander Humboldt
  3. Charles Darwin
  4. Jeans Jacques

Answer: Frank W. Notestein

14. Which one of the following demographic parameters represents the population growth rate?
  1. Natural change and crude birth rate
  2. Natural change and net migration
  3. Net migration and fertility rate
  4. Net migration and birth rate

Answer: Natural change and net migration

15. Which of the following cannot be drawn from the Population Pyramid of a country?
  1. Dependency ratio
  2. Population Growth Rate
  3. Gender distribution within population
  4. Total population size

Answer: Total population size

16. Who wrote 'An Essay on the principle of population'?
  1. Malthus
  2. Marx
  3. Thompson
  4. Doubleday

Answer: Malthus

17. Who was the exponent of optimum population theory ?
  1. Malthus
  2. Edwin Cannan
  3. Adam Smith
  4. Amartya Sen

Answer: Edwin Cannan

18. The wide treeless grassy plains in South America are called
  1. Prairies
  2. Selvas
  3. Pampas
  4. Steppes

Answer: Pampas

19. A person moves to another country to study for a few years and then returns home. This is an example of:
  1. Short term migration
  2. Long term migration
  3. Rural to urban migration
  4. Annual migration

Answer: Short term migration

20. Who coined the term Demographic Dividend?
  1. David Bloom
  2. Alexander Humboldt
  3. Charles Darwin
  4. Jeans Jacques

Answer: David Bloom

21. What defines the number of daughters who would be born to a woman completing her reproductive life at current age-specific fertility rates?
  1. Crude Birth Rate
  2. General Fertility Rate
  3. Gross Reproduction Rate
  4. Net Reproduction Rate

Answer: Gross Reproduction Rate

22. Which among the following stages of demographic transition is called the stage of stationary population?
  1. Stage of high birth rate and high death rate
  2. Stage of high birth rate and low death rate.
  3. Stage of declining birth rate and low death rate.
  4. Stage of low birth rate and low death rate

Answer: Stage of low birth rate and low death rate

23. Which one of the following is not an area of sparse population?
  1. The Atacama
  2. Equatorial region
  3. South-east Asia
  4. Polar regions

Answer: South-east Asia

24. Which part of the world has become the highest density of population as of September 2020?
  1. East Australia
  2. North America
  3. East Africa
  4. South Central Asia

Answer: South Central Asia

25. Name the state having highest percentage of literacy level?
  1. West Bengal
  2. Punjab
  3. Kerala
  4. Maharashtra

Answer: Kerala

26. The regions with highest and lowest densities are respectively
  1. North America and Africa
  2. Europe and Africa
  3. Asia and Oceania
  4. Europe and Oceania

Answer: Europe and Oceania

27. Which of the following statements about urban areas is NOT true?
  1. There is traffic congestion
  2. Public utilities are not readily available
  3. There are higher crime rates
  4. Slums often develop in and around urban areas

Answer: Public utilities are not readily available

28. What is an important indicator about the status of women in a country?
  1. Crude Birth Rate
  2. Gross Reproduction Rate
  3. Sex Ratio
  4. Crude Death Rate

Answer: Sex Ratio

29. Industrial location theory is a brain child of:
  1. Taylor
  2. Febver
  3. Ratzel
  4. Weber

Answer: Weber

30. Who gave his ideas regarding population in his book ‘Essay on the principle of Population’?
  1. Frank W Notestein
  2. Thomas Robert Malthus
  3. Alexander Humboldt
  4. F. Hoyle

Answer: Thomas Robert Malthus