About Pre-Historic India:
1. Who among the following is called the “Father of Indian Archaeology”?
- (1) Alexander Cunningham
- (2) John Marshall
- (3) James Prinsep
- (4) None of the above
Answer: Alexander Cunningham
Explanation – Alexander Cunningham is called the “Father of Indian Archaeology”.
2. Where was the earliest evidence of permanent life found?
- (1) Kalibanga
- (2) Mehrgarh
- (3) Koldihwa
- (4) None of the above
Answer: Mehrgarh
Explanation – The oldest evidence of permanent life has been received from Mehrgarh.
3. What was the first grain used by prehistoric humans?
- (1) Wheat
- (2) Rice
- (3) Barley
- (4) None of the above
Answer: Barley
Explanation – The first grain used by prehistoric humans was barley.
4. Which metal was first used by humans?
- Copper
- Brass
- Iron
- None of the above
Answer: Copper
Explanation – Humans first used copper metal.
5. From which of the following sites has the earliest evidence of paintings been found?
- (1) Koregaon
- (2) Chandauli
- (3) Nevasa
- (4) Bhimbetka
Answer: Bhimbetka
Explanation – Evidence of the oldest painting has been found at the site of Bhimbetka.
6. Who among the following is the author of the book “Pre Historic India”?
- (1) Sir Mortimer Wheeler
- (2) Robert Bruce Foot
- (3) Stuart Piggott
- (4) None of the above
Answer: Stuart Piggott
Explanation – Stuart Piggott is the author of the book Explanation – “Pre Historic India”
7. In which Indian state is the Bhimbetka prehistoric site located?
- (1) Gujarat
- (2) Madhya Pradesh
- (3) Rajasthan
- (4) Uttar Pradesh
Answer: Madhya Pradesh
Explanation – The prehistoric site of Bhimbetka is located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This is a Prelithic site. Ancient caves have been found here.
8. “Flake culture” is related to which of the following periods?
- (1) Mesolithic
- (2) Middle Paleolithic
- (3) Upper Paleolithic
- (4) New Stone Age
Answer: Middle Paleolithic
Explanation – “Flake culture” is related to the Middle Paleolithic.
9. Where is the earliest evidence of agriculture found in India?
- Lahuradeva
- Mehrgarh
- Koldihwa
- None of the above
Answer: Mehrgarh
Explanation – The oldest evidence of agriculture has been received from Mehrgarh.
10. Who excavated the Navdatoli site?
- (1) H.D Sankalia
- (2) Mortimer Wheeler
- (3) K. D Vajpayee
- (4) None of the above
Answer: H.D Sankalia
Explanation – The Navdatoli site was excavated by H.D Sankalia..
11. From which of the following period is the “Hand-Axe Culture” related?
- (1) Pre Paleolithic
- (2) Middle Paleolithic
- (3) Upper Paleolithic
- (4) New Stone Age
Answer: Pre-Paleolithic
Explanation – “Hand-Axe culture” is related to the Pre Paleolithic period.
12. Which of the following places is not located in Maharashtra?
- (1) Koregaon
- (2) Chandauli
- (3) Nevasa
- (4) Vagour
Answer: Vagour
Explanation – Vagaur prehistoric site is not located in Maharashtra. It is located in Rajasthan.
13. Where was the earliest evidence of agriculture found in the Indian subcontinent?
- (1) Lahuradeva
- (2) Mehrgarh
- (3) Koldihwa
- (4) None of the above
Answer: Lahuradeva
Explanation – The earliest evidence of agriculture in the Indian subcontinent has been received from Lahuradeo.
14. To which of the following periods is the “Chapar-Chapping Pebble Culture” associated?
- Pre Paleolithic
- Middle Paleolithic
- Upper Paleolithic
- New Stone Age
Answer: Pre Paleolithic
Explanation – “Chapar-chipping pebble culture” is related to the Pre-Paleolithic period.
15. From which prehistoric site, a bone-made idol of the Mother Goddess has been found?
- (1) Belan Valley
- (2) Bhimbetka
- (3) Bagor
- (4) None of the above
Answer: Belan Valley
Explanation – The idol of Mother Goddess made of bone has been found in the Lohda Nala area of Belan Valley..
16. Where has the earliest evidence of rice been found?
- (1) Bagor
- (2) Koldihwa
- (3) Adamgarh
- (4) None of the above
Answer: Koldihwa
Explanation – The oldest evidence of rice has been received from Koldihwa..
17. In which state of India is the Bagor prehistoric site located?
- (1) Gujarat
- (2) Madhya Pradesh
- (3) Rajasthan
- (4) Uttar Pradesh
Answer: Rajasthan
Explanation – Bagor’s prehistoric site is located in the Indian state of Rajasthan.
18. In which state is the prehistoric site Navdatoli located?
- (1) Rajasthan
- (2) Madhya Pradesh
- (3) Uttar Pradesh
- (4) Gujarat
Answer: Madhya Pradesh
Explanation – The prehistoric site Navdatoli is located in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
19. In which state of India is the Belan Valley prehistoric site located?
- Gujarat
- Madhya Pradesh
- Rajasthan
- Uttar Pradesh
Answer: Uttar Pradesh
Explanation – Belan Valley prehistoric site is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is located in Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh.
20. In which of the following period did animal husbandry was started?
- (1) Pre Paleolithic
- (2) Middle Paleolithic
- (3) Mesolithic
- (4) New Stone Age
Answer: Mesolithic
Explanation – Animal husbandry was started in the Mesolithic period.