India and Andhra Pradesh, Major land forms, Climatic changes, Soil types, Rivers, Water, Streams, Geology, Rocks, Mineral Resources, Metals, Clays, Construction Materials, Reservoirs, Dams —Forests, Mountains, Hills, Flora and fauna, Plateau Forests, Hill Forests, Vegetation Classification.
Agriculture, Live stocks, Forestry, Fishery, Quarrying, Mining, House hold Manufacturing, Industries — Agro, Mineral, Forest, Fuel and man power, Trade and Commerce, Communication, Road Transport, Storage and others.
Population Movements and Distribution, Human Habitations, Density, Age, Sex, Rural, Urban, Race, Caste, Tribe, Religion, Linguistic, Urban Migration, Education Characteristics.
Wild Animals, Animals, Birds, Reptiles, Mammals, Trees and Plants and others.
Sustainable Development, Globalization, Temperature, Humidity, Cloudiness, Winds, Special Weather Phenomena, Natural Hazards — Earth Quakes, Land Slides, Floods, Cyclones, Cloud Burst, Disaster Management, Impact Assessment, Environmental Pollution, Pollution Management.