Geography Syllabus for APPSC Prelims

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Geography Syllabus for APPSC Prelims

General Geography:

Earth in Solar system, Motion of the Earth, Concept of time, Season, Internal Structure of the Earth, Major landfornns and their features. Atmosphere-structure and composition, elements and factors of Climate, Airmasses and Fronts, atmospheric disturbances, climate change. Oceans: Physical, chemical and biological characteristics, Hydrological Distasters, Marine and Continental resources.


World, India and concerned State: Major physical divisions, Earthquakes, landslides, Natural drainage, climatic changes and regions, Monsoon, Natural Vegetation, Parks and Sanctuaries, Major Soil types, Rocks and Minerals.


World, India and concerned State: distribution, density, growth, Sex-ratio, Literacy, Occupational Structure, SC and ST Population, Rural-Urban components, Racial, tribal, religious and linguistic groups, urbanization, migration and metropolitan regions.


World, India and concerned State: Major sectors of economy, Agriculture, Industry and Services, their salient features. Basic Industries-Agro, mineral, forest, fuel and manpower based Industries, Transport and Trade, Pattern and Issues.

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