Anthropology Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Anthropology Quiz Set 12

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1 Which of the following cores belong to Levalloisian technique of flaking ? 11
1 Fluted core
2 Discoid core
3 Amorphous core
4 Tortoise core

Answer: Tortoise core
2 Identify the correct sequence of following fossil men in the ascending order of their discovery.
1 Cro-Magnon - Java - Neanderthal - Mauer Jaw
2 Java - Cro-Magnon - Neanderthal - Mauer Jaw
3 Mauer Jaw - Java - Cro-Magnon - Neanderthal
4 Neanderthal - Cro-Magnon - Java - Mauer Jaw

Answer:Neanderthal - Cro-Magnon - Java - Mauer Jaw
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3 Arrange the following morphological or total facial classes in the increasing order of the index values.
1 Hypereuryprosopic - Euryprosopic - Mesoprosopic - Leptoprosopic - Hyperleptoprosopic
2 Euryprosopic - Mesoprosopic - Hypereuryprosopic - Hyperleptoprosopic - Leptoprosopic
3 Mesoprosopic - Leptoprosopic - Euryprosopic - Hypereuryprosopic - Hyperleptoprosopic
4 Leptoprosopic - Mesoprosopic - Euryprosopic - Hypereuryprosopic - Hyperleptoprosopic

Answer:Hypereuryprosopic - Euryprosopic - Mesoprosopic - Leptoprosopic - Hyperleptoprosopic
4 Arrange the following landmark developments in Genetics in order of their appearance :
1 Hardy-Weinberg Law - Inborn errors of metabolism - Multiple allelic inheritance of blood groups - Chromosome theory of Heredity.
2 Chromosome theory of heredity - Hardy-Weinberg Law - Inborn errors of metabolism - Multiple allelic inheritance of blood groups.
3 Inborn errors of metabolism - Hardy-Weinberg Law - Multiple allelic inheritance of blood groups - Chromosome theory of heredity
4 Multiple allelic inheritance of blood groups - Inborn errors of metabolism - Hardy - Weinberg Law - Chromosome theory of heredity

Answer: Chromosome theory of heredity - Hardy-Weinberg Law - Inborn errors of metabolism - Multiple allelic inheritance of blood groups.
5 Arrange the following blood group systems in correct chronological order from the earliest to the recent :
1 Bombay phenotype - MN - Rh.(D) - ABO
2 ABO - Bombay phenotype - Rh.(D) - MN
3 ABO - MN - Rh.(D) - Bombay phenotype
4 MN - Rh.(D) - ABO - Bombay phenotype

Answer:ABO - MN - Rh.(D) - Bombay phenotype
6 Identify the correct sequence in the process of culture change :
1 Performance ® social acceptance ® innovation ® integration
2 Innovation ® social acceptance ® performance ® integration
3 Integration ® innovation ® social acceptance ® performance
4 Social acceptance ® integration ® performance ® innovation

Answer:Innovation ® social acceptance ® performance ® integration
7 Arrange the following books in the order in which they appeared :
1 African Political Systems by Evans - Pritchard and M. Fortes ® Politics, Law, and Ritual in Tribal Society by M. Gluckman ® The Origin of the State by R.H. Lowie ® Government and Politics in Tribal Society by I. Schapera.
2 Government and Politics in Tribal Society by I. Schapera ® The Origin of the State by R.H. Lowie ® African Political Systems by Evans - Pritchard and M. Fortes ® Politics Law, and Ritual in Tribal Society by M. Gluckman.
3 The Origin of the State by R.H Lowie ® African Political Systems by Evans - Pritchard and M. Fortes ® Government and Politics in Tribal Society by I. Schapera ® Politics, Law, and Ritual in Tribal Society by M. Gluckman.
4 Politics, Law, and Ritual in Tribal Society by M. Gluckman ® Government and Politics in Tribal Society by I. Schapera ® African Political Systems by Evans - Pritchard and M. Fortes ® The Origin of the State by R.H. Lowie.

Answer:The Origin of the State by R.H Lowie ® African Political Systems by Evans - Pritchard and M. Fortes ® Government and Politics in Tribal Society by I. Schapera ® Politics, Law, and Ritual in Tribal Society by M. Gluckman.
8 The opposable thumb is a characteristic feature of the order :
1 Chiroptera
2 Carnivora
3 Rodentia
4 Primates

9 Dental comb in Lemur and Loris is formed by :
1 Forward projecting incisors and canines
2 Projecting canines and premolars
3 Projecting canines and molars
4 Projecting premolars and molars.

Answer:Forward projecting incisors and canines
10 Which one of the following is a Strepsirhine (primate that has a moist nose) ?
1 Man
2 Chimpanzee
3 Rhesus monkey
4 Lemur

11 Which of the following is associated with the theory of Natural Selection ?
1 Use and disuse
2 Inheritence of acquired characteristics
3 Survival of the fittest
4 Mutation

Answer:Survival of the fittest
12 Which statistical test of significance is used for comparing ABO blood group data of two populations ?
1 t - test
2 x 2 test
3 Anova
4 F statistics

Answer:x 2 test
13 Sudden appearance of an ancestral character is known as :
1 Pleiotropism
2 Freemartinism
3 Gene conversion
4 Atavism

14 Who among the following is multilinear evolutionist ?
1 Ruth Benedict
2 Levi Strauss
3 Julian Steward
4 Mary Douglas

Answer: Julian Steward
15 The concept of Modal Personality was given by which of the following :
1 Margaret Mead
2 Ruth Benedict
3 Sigmund Freud
4 Cora Du Bois

Answer:Cora Du Bois

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