Anthropology Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Anthropology Quiz Set 5

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1 Which method is used in anthropology to examine cultures of various societies ?
1 Genealogical method
2 Cross-cultural comparison
3 Psychic unity of mankind
4 Studying unconscious thought process of man

Answer: Cross-cultural comparison
2 According to the Forest Survey of India, 2011, out of the total geographical area of the country, what is the percentage of the total forest covered area ?
1 31.05 percent
2 15.06 percent
3 21.05 percent
4 10.01 percent

Answer:21.05 percent
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3 According to census 2011, which state has the highest sex-ratio of scheduled tribe population ?
1 West Bengal
2 Goa
3 Chhattisgarh
4 Kerala

4 Who among the following is the proponent of cultural ecology ?
1 Daryl Forde
2 Ralph Linton
3 Julian Steward
4 Clifford Geertz

Answer:Julian Steward
5 Which one of the following is relative method of dating ?
1 Tree ring
2 Flourine
3 Radio Carbon
4 Thermoluminescence

6 Which of the following cultures is featured by the presence of fossil wood tools ?
1 Tampanian
2 Anathyian
3 Patjitanian
4 Sohan

Answer: Anathyian
7 Arrange in sequence the elements contained in Malinowski’s interpretation of Institution :
1 Personnel and Norms → Charter → Function → Material apparatus → Activities
2 Activities → Function → Personnel and Norms → Charter → Material apparatus
3 Charter → Personnel and Norms → Material apparatus → Activities → Function
4 Charter → Personnel and Norms → Activities → Function → Material apparatus

Answer: Charter → Personnel and Norms → Material apparatus → Activities → Function
8 Arrange in sequence E.B. Tylor’s concept of evolution of religion in human society :
1 Ancestor worship → Animism → Polytheism → Monotheism
2 Animism → Ancestor worship → Polytheism → Monotheism
3 Monotheism → Polytheism → Animism → Ancestor worship
4 Ancestor worship → Monotheism → Polytheism → Animism

Answer: Animism → Ancestor worship → Polytheism → Monotheism
9 Identify the correct sequence of tribal revolts in preindependent India in the ascending order.
1 Uprising of the Koli tribes in Maharashtra → Bhagoji Naik and Kajar Singh → The Naga Bhagat movement in Bihar The Bhil revolt under the leadership of revolt in North-Eastern India → Tana
2 Tana Bhagat movement in Bihar → The Naga revolt in North-Eastern India → The Bhil revolt under the leadership of Bhagoji Naik and Kajar Singh → Uprising of the Koli tribes in Maharashtra
3 Uprising of the Koli tribes in Maharashtra → The Bhil revolt under the leadership of Bhagoji Naik and Kajar Singh → Tana Bhagat movement in Bihar → The Naga revolt in North-Eastern India
4 The Naga revolt in North-Eastern India → Uprising of the Koli tribes in Maharashtra → The Bhil revolt under the leadership of Bhagoji Naik and Kajar Singh → Tana Bhagat movement in Bihar

Answer:Uprising of the Koli tribes in Maharashtra → Bhagoji Naik and Kajar Singh → The Naga Bhagat movement in Bihar The Bhil revolt under the leadership of revolt in North-Eastern India → Tana
10 Arrange in descending sequence the state-wise percentage of scheduled tribes population, as against total population :
1 Chhattisgarh → Arunachal Pradesh → Nagaland → Mizoram
2 Nagaland → Mizoram → Arunachal Pradesh → Chhattisgarh
3 Mizoram → Nagaland → Chhattisgarh → Arunachal Pradesh
4 Mizoram → Nagaland → Arunachal Pradesh → Chhattisgarh

Answer: Mizoram → Nagaland → Arunachal Pradesh → Chhattisgarh
11 Arrange the following Reports of the Committees/Commissions relating to scheduled tribes in descending order :
1 Report of the Committee on Special Multipurpose Tribal Blocks (Verrier Elwin Committee) → Report of the Expert Committee on Tribal Development (S. C. Dube Committee) → Report of Committee on Forests and Tribals in India (B. K. Roy Burman Committee) → Report of the Study Group on Land Holding Systems in Tribal areas (B. K. Roy Burman Committee)
2 Report of the Study Group on Land Holding Systems in Tribal areas (B. K. Roy Burman Committee) → Report of Committee on Forests and Tribals in India (B. K. Roy Burman Committee) → Report of the Expert Committee on Tribal Development (S. C. Dube Committee) → Report of the Committee on Special Multipurpose Tribal Blocks (Verrier Elwin Committee)
3 Report of the Committee on Special Multipurpose Tribal Blocks (Verrier Elwin Committee) → Report of the study Group on Land Holding Systems in Tribal areas (B. K. Roy Burman Committee) → Report of the Expert Committee on Tribal Development (S. C. Dube Committee) → Report of Committee on Forests and Tribals in India (B. K. Roy Burman Committee)
4 Report of the Expert Committee on Tribal Development (S. C. Dube Committee) → Report of the Committee on Special Multipurpose Tribal Blocks (Verrier Elwin Committee) → Report of Committee on Forests and Tribals in India (B. K. Roy Burman Committee) → Report of the Study Group on Land Holding Systems in Tribal areas (B. K. Roy Burman Committee)

Answer: Report of the Committee on Special Multipurpose Tribal Blocks (Verrier Elwin Committee) → Report of the Expert Committee on Tribal Development (S. C. Dube Committee) → Report of Committee on Forests and Tribals in India (B. K. Roy Burman Committee) → Report of the Study Group on Land Holding Systems in Tribal areas (B. K. Roy Burman Committee)
12 Who was Laura Bohannan ?
1 A Philanthropist
2 A member of the TIV community
3 An Anthropologist
4 A character in Shakespeare’s HAMLET

Answer:An Anthropologist
13 Why did she carry HAMLET with her ?
1 Because she wanted to tell the story to the Headman.
2 To read the book during leisure hours
3 Because she had never studied any book of Shakespeare.
4 Because she wanted to let the TIV know that she too was a ‘knowledgable person’.

Answer:To read the book during leisure hours
14 Why did TIV not believe in ghost ?
1 Because there were no ghosts in the TIV land.
2 Because they believed that neither a dead person nor his shadow could walk.
3 Because no ghost had ever visited TIV country.
4 Because TIVs were not afraid of ghosts, hence did not believe.

Answer:Because they believed that neither a dead person nor his shadow could walk.
15 Finally what did Laura Bohannan realize ?
1 That when elements of culture travel to far off places, they lose their originality, and often assume new form.
2 That the TIVs were simpletons.
3 That instead of wasting time she should agree to what the headman says.
4 That if she did not agree to what they said, the headman would harm her physically.

Answer:That if she did not agree to what they said, the headman would harm her physically.

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