George Orwell Best Books | List of 10 Best George Orwell Books

Here is a List of 10 Best George Orwell Books. These Books are available on Amazon. George Orwell was an English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic. We've given you some of the best books written by George Orwell.

1. 1984

1984 By George Orwell

Author : George Orwell

A Novel, unleashes a unique plot as per which No One is Safe or Free. No place is safe to run or even hide from a dominating party leader, Big Brother, who is considered equal to God. This is a situation where everything is owned by the State. The world was seeing the ruins of World War II. Leaders such as Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini prevailed during this phase. Big Brother is always watching your actions. He even controls everyone’s feelings of love, to live and to discover. The basic plot of this historic novel revolves around the concept that no person has freedom to live life on his or her own terms. The present day is 1984.

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2. The Greatest Works of George Orwell

The Greatest Works of George Orwell By George Orwell

Author : George Orwell

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary Act.” a man of vociferous opinions, George Orwell took the publishing world by storm with his works. He was ranked second in the list of ‘the 50 greatest British writers since 1945’ by the times in 2008, and continues to remain one of the most remarkable writers of the twentieth century. This edition brings together Orwell’s three masterpieces: down and out in Paris and London (1933), Animal farm (1945), and 1984 (1949). the works have never gone out of print and continue to remain influential.

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3. Animal Farm

Animal Farm By George Orwell

Author : George Orwell

When the oppressed animals of Manor Farm defeat their master, Mr. Jones and take over the farm for themselves, they envisage it to be the beginning of independence and abundance. However, a devious and heartless elite among the animals starts to take control and the other animals find themselves helplessly trapped as another gradually replaces one form of dictatorship. Orwell’s frightening ‘fairy story’ is a timeless and overwhelming satire of idealism deceived by power and corruption. Although, it almost remained unpublished due to its savage attack on Stalin, Britain’s then ally and got turned down by publisher after publisher, today it’s known to be one of Orwell’s best works and a world-famous classic.

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4. Modern Classics Penguin Essays of George Orwell

Modern Classics Penguin Essays of George Orwell By George Orwell

Author : George Orwell

The articles collected in George Orwell's Essays illuminate the life and work of one of the most individual writers of this century - a man who elevated political writing to an art.

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5. George Orwell - Selected Works

George Orwell - Selected Works By George Orwell

Author : George Orwell

This collection brings together handpicked works of this distinguished author including his satirical novel animal farm which highlights the issues of social injustices faced by common man and his much acclaimed non-fictional workbooks and out in Paris and London. His unrivalled mastery reflects in his famous literary essays such as ‘shooting the Elephant’, ‘why I write’, ‘inside the whale’ and ‘the lion and the unicorn’.

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6. Fascism and Democracy

Fascism and Democracy By George Orwell

Author : George Orwell

Fascism and Democracy collects five brilliant examples of Orwell's writing during the darkest days of World War Two. Grappling with the principles of democracy and the potential of reform, the meaning of literature and free speech in times of violence, and the sustainability of objective truth, Orwell offers a compelling portrayal of a nation where norms and ideals can no longer be taken for granted. Like the best of Orwell's writing, these essays also serve as timeless reminders of the fragility of freedom.

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7. Politics and the English Language

Politics and the English Language By George Orwell

Author : George Orwell

'Politics and the English Language' is widely considered Orwell's most important essay on style. Style, for Orwell, was never simply a question of aesthetics; it was always inextricably linked to politics and to truth.'All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.When the general atmosphere is bad, language must suffer.'Language is a political issue, and slovenly use of language and cliches make it easier for those in power to deliberately use misleading language to hide unpleasant political facts. 

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8. Orwell on Freedom

Orwell on Freedom By George Orwell

Author : George Orwell

This selection, from both his novels and non-fiction, charts his prescient and clear-eyed thinking on the subject of FREEDOM. It ranges from pieces on individual liberty, society and technology, to political liberty, revolution and the importance of free speech.

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9. Shooting an Elephant

Shooting an Elephant By George Orwell

Author : George Orwell

Shooting an Elephant is Orwell’s searing and painfully honest account of his experience as a police officer in imperial Burma; killing an escaped elephant in front of a crowd ‘solely to avoid looking a fool’. Opinionated, uncompromising, provocative and hugely entertaining, shows Orwell’s unique ability to get to the heart of any subject.

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10. Modern Classics Burmese Days

Modern Classics Burmese Days By George Orwell

Author : George Orwell

Based on his experiences as a policeman in Burma, George Orwell's first novel presents a devastating picture of British colonial rule. It describes corruption and imperial bigotry in a society where, 'after all, natives were natives - interesting, no doubt, but finally ... an inferior people'. 

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