Ajan Pir Dargah | Assam History Articles


Ajan Pir Dargah was built in the memory of the great Muslim reformer and saint Ajan Fakir in Sivsagar District of Assam.


Ajan Pir Dargah is stuated in the Saraguri Chapori region, which is about 22 km from the town of Sivsagar.

About Ajan Fakir

Ajan Fakir, born Shah Miran, also known as Azan Pir, Hazrat Shah Miran, and Shah Milan (presumably from Miran), was a Sufi Syed, poet, Muslim preacher and saint from the 17th century who came from Baghdad to settle in the Sivsagar area of Assam in the north-eastern part of India, where he helped to unify the people of the Brahmaputra valley, and to reform, reinforce and stabilize Islam in the region of Assam. The nickname Azan came from his habit of calling azan.

Ajan Fakir was a disciple of Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya in Baghdad. He came to Assam accompanied by his brother Shah Navi. He married an Ahom woman of high social stature and settled at Gorgaon, near modern Sibsagar town. As a Pir he composed Zikirs (a type of spiritual song). Originally he spoke Arabic, but he completely mastered the language of the land he adopted, permitting comparison of his songs to those of his Vaishnava conteporaries. He was a Legendary Sufi Saint who led Muslim Reform Movement in Assam"

It is belived that he built a masjid at Sonpura, near the Ahom capital Gargaon and chanted 'Azan', the calling for 'Namaz' for which people called him Azan pir, Popular belief is that he and his campanions came to India on foot and entered the country through the khaibor. He stayed at the Dargah of Hazrat khwaja Moinuddin Chisty at Ajmer. Then he came to Dargah of saint Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya in Delhi. No historical evidence regarding his entrence in Assam is available, but popular belief is that he came to Hajo through Koch Behar.

The Unique Zikirs Composed by Hazarat Aazan Pir Saheb:

Tradition goes on that Hazarat Aazan Saheb started composing Zikirs at Sonpura, Gargaon and he did with a blassing to the king. "The Gargaon town is in the Ahom kingdom Zikir is translated in to Assamese I wish eternal life of the king and welfare of the subjects, till stones float and boats go under water." Zikir is an Arabic word, its root is Zikir, the meaning is repeated chanting of Allah's names. The word Zikir appears more than 31 (Thirty first ) times in the Holy Quran and they have different meanings in diffarent contexts. Hazrat Aazan Saheb also says that he had composed the Zikirs taking the essence of the Holy Quran, and Zikirs would survive till the end of the earth. Some others names such as Chandkha, Sheikh Farid, Munia Dewan, Bandar Fakir, Maznudil Fakir, Syed Martuza, Ghulam Hussain are found as writers of Zikir. It is belived that Hazrath Aazan Pir Saheb composed 160 ( Aath Kuri meaning 8X20 = 160) Zikirs, but only 90 ( Ninety ) are found.

Mazar e Shareef of Hazrath Azan Pir Saheb at heath of Saraguri:

A Zikir says that the heath of Saraguri is close to the bank of the river Dikhow and Gariajan, The king founded hermitage there. The Dargah of the great saint was discovered in about 1930. Since then, his Zikirs have been a subject of analysis and discussion among the intellectuals. The greatness of the great saint has spread far and wide since 1947. People of different walks of life and from different parts of India came to the Dargah sharif annually.

In course of time his influence spread, he acquired a good number of followers and earned the enmity of a Muslim official, Rupai Dadhora, who by conspiracy convinced the Ahom king that Ajan Fakir was going against Islamic tenets and had orders passed for plucking out the Pir's eyes. The Pir, according to some songs, had two earthen pots brought into which he let his "two eyes drop".

Hazrat Aazan Pir Saheb was an untiring champion of humanity. He refused to discriminate among people on the basis of religion. He declared that he had no feeling of discrimination in his mind as a Hindu or a Muslim is the creation of the same Allah.

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