Rongker & Chomangkan Festivals - Assam


Rongker is celebrated among Karbis in the month of April at the same time Punjab celebrates Baisakhi, Assamese celebrates Rongali Bihu. The main reason for celebrating this festival is to make the people free from the diseases and natural calamities throughout the year and also seek the blessings for bounteous yield of crops.

How to celebrate

This festival celebrate to propitiate different gods and goddesses for the well being of the entire village, the elderly male folk organise Rongker so thatpeople can be free from diseases and natural calamities for the entire year. The women are not allowed to enter the worship arena during this festival.

Celebration Periode

The festival does not have any specific time although it is usually observed at the beginning of the New Year (month of April). Different villages may observe it at different time depending entirely on their convenience. In order to meet the expenses of the rituals, conected with the festival, the whole village contributes in cash and kinds. Sometimes subscription and donation are also collected from the neighbouring villages.

The festival lasts for three days. The main part of the festival is performed in an open field, where a thatched roof is collectively constructed by the villages to provide sitting accommodation for the participants. The whole festival can be divided into four major parts, viz

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