Assam TET 2019 Child Development and Pedagogy Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) & Answers

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1 Which of the following is the most effective method to encourage conceptual development in students?
A New concepts need to be understood on their own without any reference to the old ones.
B Replace the students’ incorrect ideas with correct ones by asking them to memorize.
C Give students multiple examples and encourage them to use reasoning.
D Use punishment till students have made the required conceptual changes.

Answer: Give students multiple examples and encourage them to use reasoning.
2 What should a teacher tell her students to encourage them to do tasks with intrinsic motivation?
A “Come on, finish it before she does.”
B “Why can’t you be like him? See, he has done it perfectly.”
C “Complete the task fast and get a toffee.”
D “Try to do it, you will learn.”

Answer: “Try to do it, you will learn.”
3 Which of the following is an example of effective school practice?
A Constant comparative evaluation
B Corporal punishment
C Individualized learning
D Competitive classroom

Answer: Individualized learning
4 Which of the following is a sensitive period pertaining to language development?
A Prenatal period
B Middle childhood period
C Adulthood
D Early childhood period

Answer: Early childhood period
5 A 6-year-old girl shows exceptional sporting ability. Both of her parents are sportspersons, send her for coaching everyday and train her on weekends. Her capabilities are most likely to be the result of an interaction between:
A Heredity and environment
B Growth and development
C Health and training
D Discipline and nutrition

Answer: Heredity and environment
6 Which of the following are secondary agents of socialization?
A Family and neighbourhood
B School and neighbourhood
C School and immediate family members
D Family and relatives

Answer: School and neighbourhood
7 According to Jean Piaget, which of the following is necessary for learning?
A Active exploration of the environment by the learner
B Observing the behaviour of adults
C Belief in immanent justice
D Reinforcement by teachers and parents

Answer: Active exploration of the environment by the learner
8 ‘Gender’ is a/an:
A Biological entity
B Physiological construct
C Innate quality
D Social construct

Answer: Social construct
9 Which one of the following is best suited for emotional development of children?
A Democratic classroom environment
B No involvement of the teachers as it is the task of the parents
C Controlled classroom environment
D Authoritarian classroom environment

Answer: Democratic classroom environment
10 A child's notebook shows errors in writing like reverse images, mirror imaging, etc. Such a child is showing signs of
A Learning disadvantage
B Learning disability
C Learning difficulty
D Learning problem

Answer: Learning disability
11 Giftedness from teacher's point of view is a combination of
A High Ability - High Creativity - High Commitment
B High Motivation - High Commitment - High Talent
C High Ability - High Talent - High Commitment
D High Talent - High Creativity - High Memory

Answer: High Ability - High Creativity - High Commitment
12 Out-of-the-box' thinking is related to
A Consistent Thinking
B Memory-based Thinking
C Divergent Thinking
D Convergent Thinking

Answer: Divergent Thinking
13 Learning experiences should be planned in a manner so as to make learning meaningful. Which of the given learning experiences does not facilitate meaningful learning for the children?
A Repetition based on mere recall of content
B Formulating questions on content
C Discussion and debate on the topic
D Presentation on the topic

Answer: Repetition based on mere recall of content
14 Which one out of the following provides information about the roles and behaviours which are acceptable in a group, during early childhood period?
A Siblings and Teachers
B Teachers and Peers
C Peers and Parents
D Parents and Siblings

Answer: Parents and Siblings
15 Making students members of a cleanliness community to motivate them for the same, reflects
A Socio-cultural conceptions of motivation
B Behaviouristic approach to motivation
C Humanistic approach to motivation
D Cognitive approach to motivation

Answer: Socio-cultural conceptions of motivation
16 Which of the following age groups falls under later childhood category?
A 11 to 18 years
B 18 to 24 years
C Birth to 6 years
D 6 to 11 years

Answer: 6 to 11 years
17 In Lawrence Kohlberg's theory, which level signifies the absence of morality in the true sense?
A Level III
B Level IV
C Level I
D Level II

Answer: Level I
18 Which one of the following is not correct for the progressive model of socialization of children?
A Active participation in the group work and learning social skills
B Children accept what they are offered by the school irrespective of their social backgrounds
C There should be a place for democracy in the classroom
D Socialization is an adoption of social

Answer: Children accept what they are offered by the school irrespective of their social backgrounds
19 Fitting new information into existing schemes is known as
A Accommodation
B Equilibration
C Assimilation
D 40 to 80

Answer: Assimilation
20 "Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not easy." This is related to
A Emotional development
B Social development
C Cognitive development
D Physical development

Answer: Emotional development

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