Assam TET 2019 Child Development and Pedagogy Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) & Answers

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1 Deficiency in the ability to write, associated with impaired handwriting, is a symptom of
A Dysgraphia
B Dyspraxia
C Dyscalculia
D Dyslexia

Answer: Dysgraphia
2 Which of these does not imply practical intelligence in the Triarchic theory?
A Reshaping the environment
B Thinking practically about oneself only
C Choosing an environment in which you can succeed
D Adapting to the environment

Answer: Thinking practically about oneself only
3 Human development is
A Quantitative
B Qualitative
C Unmeasurable to a certain extent
D Both quantitative and qualitative

Answer: Both quantitative and qualitative
4 The nature-nurture debate refers to
A Genetics and environment
B Behaviour and environment
C Environment and biology
D Environment and upbringing

Answer: Genetics and environment
5 Which of the following is a passive agency of socialization?
A Health club
B Family
C Eco club
D Public library

Answer: Public library
6 In Vygotsky's theory, which aspect of development gets neglected
A Social
B Cultural
C Biological
D Linguistic

Answer: Biological
7 Which of the following stages are involved when infants "THINK" with their eyes, ears and hands?
A Concrete operational stage
B Pre-operational stage
C Sensorimotor stage
D Formal operational stage

Answer: Sensorimotor stage
8 Which one of the following is a form of Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence?
A Practical Intelligence
B Experimental Intelligence
C Resourceful Intelligence
D Mathematical Intelligence

Answer: Practical Intelligence
9 Who developed the first Intelligence test?
A David Wechsler
B Alfred Binet
C Charles Edward Spearman
D Robert Sternberg

Answer: Alfred Binet
10 Gender discrimination in a classroom
A Does not affect the performance of the students
B May lead to diminished effort or performance of the students
C May lead to diminished effort, or performance of the male students
D Is done more by the male teachers than their female counterparts

Answer: May lead to diminished effort or performance of the students
11 A teacher collects and reads the work of the class, then plans and adjust the next lesson to meet student needs. He/ She is doing
A Assessment of learning
B Assessment as learning
C Assessment for learning
D Assessment at learning

Answer: Assessment for learning
12 'Education-of-all-in-schools-for-all' could be a tagline for which of the following?
A Cohesive education
B Inclusive education
C Cooperative education
D Exclusive education

Answer: Inclusive education
13 The inner force that stimulates and compels a behavioural response and provide specific direction to that response is
A Motive
B Perserverance
C Emotion
D Commitment

Answer: Motive
14 Which term is often used interchangeably with the term "motivation"?
A Incentive
B Emotion
C Need
D Inspiration

Answer: Need
15 ________ motives deal with the need to reach satisfying feeling states and to obtain personal goals.
A Effective
B Affective
C Preservation-oriented
D Safety-oriented

Answer: Affective
16 Which one of the following is a factor that affects learning positively?
A Fear of failure
B Competition with peers
C Meaningful association
D Pressure from parents

Answer: Meaningful association
17 Schools should cater to Individual differences to
A Narrow the gap between individual students
B Even out abilities and performance of students
C Understand why students are able or unable to learn
D Make individual students feel exclusive

Answer: Understand why students are able or unable to learn
18 What kind of support can a school provide to address the individual differences in students?
A Follow a child-centered curriculum and provide multiple learning opportunities to students
B Apply every possible measure to remove the individual differences in students
C Refer slow learners to special schools
D Follow same level of curriculum for all students

Answer: Follow a child-centered curriculum and provide multiple learning opportunities to students
19 "Readiness for learning" refers to
A General ability level of students
B Present cognitive level of students in the learning continuum
C Satisfying nature of the act of learning
D Thorndike's Law of Readiness

Answer: Present cognitive level of students in the learning continuum
20 Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following except
A Cerebral dysfunction
B Emotional disturbance
C Behavioural disturbance
D Cultural factors

Answer: Cultural factors

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