Assam TET 2019 Child Development and Pedagogy Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) & Answers

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1 Which one of the following is an example of a fine motor skill?
A Climbing
B Hopping
C Running
D Writing

Answer: Writing
2 ___________ Is the ratio of mental age to the chronological age multiplied by 100.
A Emotional quotient
B Intelligence quotient
C Both
D None of these

Answer: Intelligence quotient
3 A group of students are found to be harassing another student. What should be your reaction?
A Punish the students
B Send to their parents
C Counsel the students individually
D Give them a severe warning

Answer: Counsel the students individually
4 How many stages of cognitive development recommended by Piaget?
A Seven stages
B Six stages
C Four Stages
D Two Stages

Answer: Four Stages
5 Teaching-Learning process fundamentally completed in
A Class-room
B School
C Society
D Home

Answer: Class-room
6 In which of the following stages the child looks self-centered?
A Infancy
B Early childhood
C Adolescence
D Adulthood

Answer: Early childhood
7 Primary education helps __________
A Socialization of child
B Democratization of child
C In course understanding
D All of the above

Answer: Democratization of child
8 The period of sensory motor adaptation of Piaget is________
A 0-2 years
B 1-3 years
C 3-5 years
D 4-6 years

Answer: 0-2 years
9 The most important quality of an effective teacher is
A Deep knowledge about the subject taught
B A strict disciplinarian
C Good rapport with the students
D A good motivator

Answer: A good motivator
10 In the pre-primary school system, the criterion of small child’s adjustment is
A He takes his own care and fulfills needs
B He remains happy with his social constraints
C The tendency to play in separate groups
D Development of independence among the children

Answer: The tendency to play in separate groups
11 Learning Disability in motor skills is called
A Dyspraxia
B Dyscalculia
C Dyslexia
D Dysphasia

Answer: Dyslexia
12 Learning Disability
A Is a stable state
B Is a variable state
C Need not impair functioning
D Does not improve with appropriate input

Answer: Is a variable state
13 A teacher should
A Treat errors committed by students as blunders and take serious note of each error
B Measure success as the number of times students avoid making mistakes
C Not correct students while they're trying to communicate ideas
D Focus more on lecturing and provide a foundation for knowledge

Answer: Not correct students while they're trying to communicate ideas
14 Which of the following cognitive verbs are used to analyse the information given?
A Identify
B Differentiate
C Classify
D Describe

Answer: Differentiate
15 Understanding Human Growth and Development enables a teacher to
A Gain control of learners' emotions while teaching
B Be clear about teaching diverse learners
C Tell students how they can improve their lives
D Practice her teaching in an unbiased way.

Answer: Be clear about teaching diverse learners
16 Which one of the following is true about the role of heredity and environment in the development of a child?
A The relative contributions of peers and genes are not additive
B Heredity and environment do not operate together.
C Propensity is related to environment while actual development requires heredity.
D Both heredity and environment contribute 50% each in the development of a child

Answer: The relative contributions of peers and genes are not additive
17 Socialization is
A Rapport between teacher and taught
B Process of modernization of society
C Adaptation of social norms
D Change in social norms

Answer: Adaptation of social norms
18 Human personality is the result of
A Interaction between heredity and environment
B Only environment
C Only heredity
D Upbringing and education

Answer: Interaction between heredity and environment
19 Individual attention is important in the teaching - learning process because
A Teacher training programmes prescribe it
B It offers better opportunities to teachers to discipline each learner
C Children develop at different rates and learn differently
D Learners always learn better in groups

Answer: Children develop at different rates and learn differently
20 Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method of problem-solving?
A Problem awareness
B Collection of relevant information
C Formation of hypothesis
D Verification of hypothesis

Answer: Problem awareness

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