Alage & Fungi Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. Which of the following has non-flagellated isogamous gametes?
  1. Spirogyra
  2. Chlamydomonas
  3. Volvox
  4. Fucus

Answer: Spirogyra

2. What is the mode of sexual reproduction in Chlorophyceae?
  1. oogamous
  2. anisogamous
  3. isogamous
  4. all of the above

Answer: all of the above

3. Mycology is related to the study of
  1. Virus
  2. Human cells
  3. Bacteria
  4. Fungi

Answer: Fungi

4. Nutritionally Albugo is
  1. saprophyte
  2. facultative saprophyte
  3. obligate parasite
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: obligate parasite

5. Symbiosis between honey bee and flowers is an example of _________
  1. Obligative symbiosis
  2. Facultative symbiosis
  3. Commensalism
  4. Parasitism

Answer: Obligative symbiosis

6. During reproduction of fungus through fragmentation, ______
  1. Mycelium separates into pieces which in turn form new one
  2. Germ cells separate into pieces which in turn form new one
  3. Zoospores are formed which further germinates to form new mycelium
  4. Zygospores are formed which further germinates to form new mycelium

Answer: Mycelium separates into pieces which in turn form new one

7. Which one of the following is a colonial alga?
  1. Ulothrix
  2. Spirogyra
  3. Volvox
  4. Chlorella

Answer: Volvox

8. What is the shape of chloroplast in Chlamydomonas?
  1. cup-shaped
  2. spiral
  3. stellate
  4. collar-shaped

Answer: cup-shaped

9. In which of the following, asexual reproduction takes place by means of Conidia, borne at the tip of the hyphae ?
  1. Yeast
  2. Mucor
  3. Albugo
  4. Penicillium

Answer: Albugo

10. Which among the following statements are incorrect?
  1. Some parasitic fungi can cause disease in humans
  2. Lichens are an example of obligative symbiosis
  3. Lice in humans are example for endo-symbiosis
  4. Cell wall of fungi is made of polysaccharides

Answer: Lice in humans are example for endo-symbiosis

11. Mannitol is a reserved food found in
  1. Gracillaria
  2. Porphyra
  3. Chara
  4. Fucus

Answer: Fucus

12. Lichens are __________
  1. symbiotic existence of blue-green algae and fungi
  2. symbiotic existence of rhizobium bacteria in the roots of leguminous plants
  3. co-existence of coral reef with zooxanthellae
  4. existence of mycorrhiza along with leguminous plants

Answer: co-existence of coral reef with zooxanthellae

13. Diploid cell refers to __________
  1. two set of chromosomes in a cell
  2. germ cells in an organism
  3. single set of chromosomes
  4. double-membraned nuclei

Answer: single set of chromosomes

14. Which of the following shows zygotic meiosis?
  1. Chlamydomonas
  2. Marchantia
  3. Funaria
  4. Fucus

Answer: Chlamydomonas

15. Which among the following is not a mode of asexual reproduction?
  1. Budding
  2. Fragmentation
  3. Zoospores
  4. Zygospores

Answer: Zygospores

16. Coenocytic means _______
  1. sharing of common cytoplasm
  2. removal of plasma membrane
  3. sharing of common nucleus
  4. sharing of common hyphael wall

Answer: sharing of common cytoplasm

17. Which of the following contains chlorophyll a, d, phycoerythrin and phycocyanin?
  1. Chlorophyta
  2. Phaeophyta
  3. Rhodophyta
  4. Bacillariophyta

Answer: Rhodophyta

18. According to five kingdom system which characteristics placed the fungi in a separate kingdom?
  1. Cell wall structure
  2. Nuclear membrane
  3. Nutrition
  4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

19. Budding is ________
  1. sexual mode of reproduction
  2. an asexual mode of reproduction where an outgrowth from the parent splits to form the daughter organism
  3. an asexual mode of reproduction where the parent organisms splits into fragments and then develops into a new organism
  4. an asexual mode of reproduction where cytoplasm and nuclei splits into two equal parts to form two daughter nuclei

Answer: an asexual mode of reproduction where an outgrowth from the parent splits to form the daughter organism

20. Find the incorrect statement
  1. Agar-agar is produced from Gracilaria
  2. Chlorella is used in space food
  3. Mannitol is a food reserve of Rhodophyceae
  4. Algin is produced by algae

Answer: Mannitol is a food reserve of Rhodophyceae

21. Early blight of Potato is caused by
  1. Alternaria solani
  2. Phytophthora infestans
  3. Synchytrium equdobioticum
  4. Pytheium aphanidermatum

Answer: Alternaria solani

22. Which among the following is incorrect about Dikaryon?
  1. Dikaryon is formed by fusion of two nuclei
  2. Dikaryon is haploid nuclei formed due to fusion of two nuclei
  3. It further undergoes meiosis to form haploid cells
  4. Dikaryon is formed only during adverse environmental conditions

Answer: Dikaryon is haploid nuclei formed due to fusion of two nuclei

23. Karyogamy means ______
  1. fusion of nuclei
  2. removal of cell wall
  3. formation of new cell wall
  4. division of nucleus

Answer: fusion of nuclei

24. Ulothrix produces
  1. isogametes
  2. heterogametes
  3. anisogametes
  4. basidiospores

Answer: isogametes

25. Which of the following is rich in protein?
  1. Ulothrix
  2. Spirogyra
  3. Nostoc
  4. Chlorella

Answer: Chlorella

26. Which among the following statements are incorrect about Fungi?
  1. All the fungi are multi-cellular organisms except yeast
  2. Fungi are heterotrophic and are either parasitic or saprophytic
  3. Fungi prefer cold-dry conditions to grow
  4. Fungi are immobile and this is the major difference between slime molds and that of fungi

Answer: Fungi prefer cold-dry conditions to grow

27. In which of the following, asexual reproduction takes place by means of Conidia, borne at the tip of the hyphae ?
  1. Yeast
  2. Penicillium
  3. Albugo
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: Penicillium

28. What is common among bacteria, mosses and fungi?
  1. Its mode of nutrition
  2. Presence of cell wall
  3. Autotrophic
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: Presence of cell wall

29. What is common among bacteria, mosses and fungi?
  1. Its mode of nutrition
  2. Presence of cell wall
  3. Autotrophic
  4. Body Organization

Answer: Presence of cell wall

29. Dikaryotisation (n + n) in Agaricus is brought about by
  1. Clamp connections
  2. Somatogamy between two hyphae of different strains
  3. Basidiospores
  4. Both (1) and (2) are correct

Answer: Both (1) and (2) are correct

31. Early blight of Potato is caused by
  1. Alternaria solani
  2. Phytophthora infestans
  3. Synchytrium equdobioticum
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: Alternaria solani

32. What is common among bacteria, mosses and fungi?
  1. Its mode of nutrition
  2. Presence of cell wall
  3. Autotrophic
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: Presence of cell wall

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