Biofertilizers and Biofuels Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. Which of the following is used as a biofertilizer for soybean crop?
  1. Nostoc
  2. Azospirillum
  3. Rhizobium
  4. Azotobacter

Answer: Rhizobium

2. Which of the following is an endomycorrhiza?
  1. Rhizobium
  2. Agaricus
  3. Glomus
  4. Nostoc

Answer: Glomus

3. This plant is used in sandy soils and as green manure in crop fields
  1. Lantana camara and Saccharum munja
  2. Phyllanthus niruri and Calotropis procera
  3. Azolla pinnata and Dichanthium annulatum
  4. Alhagi camelorum and Crotalaria juncea

Answer: Alhagi camelorum and Crotalaria juncea

4. Which fuel is used in gas welding ?
  1. LPG
  2. Acetylene
  3. Methane
  4. Ethylene

Answer: Acetylene

5. The term biomass most often refers to ___________
  1. Inorganic matter
  2. Organic matter
  3. Chemicals
  4. Ammonium compounds

Answer: Organic matter

6. Which of the following forestry materials can be used as biomass?
  1. Logging residues
  2. Tallow
  3. Fish oil
  4. Manure

Answer: Logging residues

7. Bio ethanol is denatured alcohol that is also called as __________
  1. Ethylene
  2. Methylated spirit
  3. Ethylene glycol
  4. Methylene

Answer: Methylated spirit

8. Which of the following is not a biofertilizer?
  1. Mycorrhiza
  2. Rhizobium
  3. Agrobacterium
  4. Nostoc

Answer: Agrobacterium

9. Organic farming is the technique of raising crops through the usage of
  1. resistant varieties
  2. manures
  3. biofertilizers
  4. all of the above

Answer: all of the above

10. Which of the following are the benefits Biodiesel

1. It is Eco-friendly.

2. Renewable in nature.

3. Increases engine performance

4. Need diesel engine modification

5. It has very low lubricity.

Which of the matches given above is/are correct?

  1. 1, 2 and 3
  2. 2, 3 and 4
  3. 1, 3 and 4
  4. All of the above

Answer: 1, 2 and 3

11. The term ‘Black Gold’ is used for:
  1. Coal
  2. Graphite
  3. Petroleum
  4. Carbon

Answer: Petroleum

12. Which of the following is not used as biomass?
  1. Hybrid poplar
  2. Willow algae
  3. Iron nails
  4. Trap grease

Answer: Iron nails

13. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
  1. Alnus – Frankia
  2. Alfalfa – Rhizobium
  3. Nitrogen fixer – Anabaena
  4. Mycorrhiza – Rhodospirrilum

Answer: Mycorrhiza – Rhodospirrilum

14. Which of the following fern is a biofertilizer?
  1. Salvinia
  2. Azolla
  3. Pteridium
  4. Marsilea

Answer: Azolla

15. Benefits of KVIC biogas plant are:

(a) Supplies clean and high calorific fuel.

(b) Provides anaerobically digested slurry.

(c) Reduces the destruction of forests.

(d) Reduces the pathogenic load of night soil.

Which of the above statement/s is/are correct?

  1. a, b and d
  2. b, c and d
  3. a, b, c and d
  4. a, b and c

Answer: a, b, c and d

16. The aerobic digestion of sewage is used to produce __________
  1. Biomass
  2. Bio fuels
  3. Synthetic fuels
  4. Metal articles

Answer: Bio fuels

17. Which of the following nitrogen fixers is found in rice fields associated with Azolla?
  1. Tolypothrix
  2. Frankia
  3. Anabaena
  4. Spirulina

Answer: Anabaena

18. A biofertilizer involving a pteridophyte host is
  1. Azotobacter
  2. Clostridium
  3. Anabaena
  4. Rhizobium

Answer: Anabaena

19. Biomass is useful to produce __________
  1. Chemicals
  2. Fibres
  3. Biochemicals
  4. Transportation fuels

Answer: Transportation fuels

20. Which of the following is a nitrogen fixer in the root nodules of Alnus?
  1. Clostridium
  2. Bradyrhizobium
  3. Azorhizobium
  4. Frankia

Answer: Frankia

21. Which of the following plants form a symbiotic relationship with two nitrogen-fixing bacteria Rhizobium and Aero rhizobium in root and stem nodules respectively?
  1. Sesbania rostrata
  2. Crotalaria juncea
  3. Sesbania aculeata
  4. Cyamopsis tetragonoloba

Answer: Sesbania rostrata

22. Which one of the following is an example of starch crops biomass feed stocks?
  1. Sugar cane
  2. Wheat straw
  3. Corn stover
  4. Orchard prunings

Answer: Sugar cane

23. Which of the following is commonly used as a nitrogen fixer in paddy fields?
  1. Frankia
  2. Oscillatoria
  3. Azospirrilum
  4. Rhizobium

Answer: Azospirrilum

24. The term ‘Black Gold’ is used for:
  1. Coal
  2. Graphite
  3. Petroleum
  4. Carbon

Answer: Petroleum

25. Pick the correct statement
  1. legumes do not fix nitrogen
  2. legumes fix nitrogen independent of bacteria
  3. legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their roots
  4. legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their leaves

Answer: legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their roots

26. Which of the following is a pair of biofertilizers?
  1. Salmonella and E.coli
  2. Rhizobium and grasses
  3. Nostoc and legume
  4. Azolla and BGA

Answer: Azolla and BGA

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