Biological Classification Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. TMV virus was discovered by
  1. Pasteur
  2. S L Miller
  3. Ivanowsky
  4. W M Stanley

Answer: Ivanowsky

2. Plant of this group possess naked seed
  1. Pteridophytes
  2. Angiosperms
  3. Gymnosperms
  4. Bryophytes

Answer: Gymnosperms

3. Which of the following statements is false about the fungi?
  1. They are eukaryotes
  2. They are heterotrophs
  3. They possess a purely cellulosic cell wall
  4. None of the above

Answer: They possess a purely cellulosic cell wall

4. Static concept of species was proposed by _______.
  1. Darwin
  2. Theophrastus
  3. Linnaeus
  4. De Candolle

Answer: Linnaeus

5. T.O. Diener discovered _______.
  1. Bacteriophage
  2. Infectious protein
  3. Free infectious DNA
  4. Free infectious RNA

Answer: Free infectious RNA

6. A capsule is advantageous to a bacterium because
  1. it protects the bacterium from desiccation
  2. it protects means of locomotion
  3. it allows the bacterium to “hide” from the host’s immune system
  4. it allows the bacterium to attach to the surface

Answer: it allows the bacterium to “hide” from the host’s immune system

7. Xerophytic characters are present in ……………………..
  1. Bryophytes
  2. pteridophytes
  3. gymnosperms
  4. angiosperms

Answer: gymnosperms

8. Xerophytic characters are present in ……………………..
  1. Bryophytes
  2. pteridophytes
  3. gymnosperms
  4. angiosperms

Answer: gymnosperms

9. Who classified angiosperms into two classes,…
  1. theoprattus
  2. bentham and hooker
  3. Aristotle
  4. Linnaeus

Answer: bentham and hooker

10. The name virus was given by …
  1. Ivanowsky
  2. Pasteur
  3. Diener
  4. Hershey

Answer: Pasteur

11. The plant cell without chloroplast is ….
  1. Algae
  2. Fungi
  3. Bryophytes
  4. Pteridophytes

Answer: Fungi

12. Linnaeus evolved a system of nomenclature called _______.
  1. Vernacular
  2. Monomial
  3. Polynomial
  4. Binomial

Answer: Binomial

13. ICBN stands for _______.
  1. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
  2. Indian Code of Botanical Nomenclature
  3. Indian Congress of Biological names
  4. Indian Congress of Botanical Nomenclature

Answer: International Code of Botanical Nomenclature

14. In which plant ,gametophytic phase is main and sporophytic phase is subsidiary.
  1. Bryophytes
  2. pteridophytes
  3. gymnosperms
  4. angiosperms

Answer: Bryophytes

15. Embryo is not formed in …
  1. algae
  2. Bryophytes
  3. gymnosperm
  4. pteridophytes

Answer: algae

16. Prokaryotes are included in the kingdom ….
  1. Monera
  2. Protista
  3. Protozoa
  4. Basidiomycetes

Answer: Monera

17. The main structural component of virus is …
  1. nucleic acid
  2. protein
  3. nucleic acid and protein
  4. nucleic acid or protein

Answer: nucleic acid and protein

18. What is the main basis of classification in the five-kingdom system?
  1. Structure of the nucleus
  2. Structure of cell wall
  3. Asexual Reproduction
  4. Mode of Nutrition

Answer: Mode of Nutrition

19. Genes of Tobacco Mosaic Virus are _______.
  1. Double-stranded RNA
  2. Single-stranded RNA
  3. Double-stranded DNA
  4. Proteinaceous

Answer: Single-stranded RNA

20. The most abundant prokaryotes helpful to humans in making curd from milk and in production of antibiotics are the ones categorized as
  1. cyanobacteria
  2. archaebacteria
  3. chemosynthetic autotrophs
  4. heterotrophic bacteria

Answer: heterotrophic bacteria

21. Some bacteria thrive in extreme environment conditions such as absence of oxygen, high salt concentration, high temperature and acidic PH Name them…
  1. Cyanobacteria
  2. Eubacteria
  3. Archaebacteria
  4. Streptococcus

Answer: Archaebacteria

22. Membranous infolding in bacteria that initiate DNA replication is
  1. Mesosomes
  2. Carboxysome
  3. Magnetosome
  4. Nucleosome

Answer: Mesosomes

23. Which classification system had been given whittaker ?
  1. 3 domain classification
  2. binomial classication
  3. 5 kingdom classification
  4. artificial classification

Answer: 5 kingdom classification

23. Halophiles is also called …..
  1. Eubacteria
  2. Actinomyce
  3. Cyanobacteria
  4. Archaebacteria


24. Fungus cell wall is made up of…..
  1. Cellulose
  2. Protein
  3. Chitin
  4. carbohydrates


25. Symbiotic relationship is found in ….
  1. Algae
  2. Fungi
  3. Bryophytes
  4. Lichens


26. The protists have which of the following?
  1. Free nucleic acid aggregates
  2. Nucleoprotein in direct contact with the rest of the cell substance
  3. Membrane-bound nucleoproteins within the cytoplasm
  4. Nucleoproteins condensed together in a loose mass

Answer:Membrane-bound nucleoproteins within the cytoplasm

27. The imperfect fungi that are decomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling belong to
  1. Phycomycetes
  2. Ascomycetes
  3. Deuteromycetes
  4. Basidiomycetes


28. The tallest living tree in the world is …………..
  1. Zamia sp.
  2. Eucalyptus sp.
  3. Wolffia sp.
  4. Sequoia sp.

Answer:Sequoia sp.

29. Fruiting body is characteristic of…
  1. Algae
  2. Lichens
  3. Bryophyta
  4. Pteridophyta


30. Class dicotyledon is divided into….
  1. 7 sub-classes
  2. 5 sub-classes
  3. 3 sub-classes
  4. 2 sub- classes

Answer:2 sub- classes

31. A virus contains
  1. DNA
  2. RNA
  3. DNA or RNA
  4. DNA and RNA

Answer:DNA or RNA

32. In lichens fungal component is known as …..
  1. Mycobiont
  2. phycobiont
  3. 1 & 2
  4. none of these

Answer:1 & 2

33. Who wrote the book “Genera Plantarum”?
  1. Bessey
  2. Benthem and Hooker
  3. Linnaeus
  4. Hutchinson


34. The first land plant on earth was…………..
  1. Bryophytes
  2. pteridophtes
  3. gymnosperms
  4. angiosperms


35. Extra chromosomal,circular ,double stranded ,self replicating DNA molecule in bacteria is called
  1. Cosmid
  2. Plasmid
  3. Phasmid
  4. Phagemid


36. Which of the fossil member?
  1. pinus
  2. thuja
  3. cycas
  4. bennettites


37. Presence of rigid cell wall is characterized by kingdom…
  1. Protista
  2. plantae
  3. monera
  4. Animalia


38. By how many criteria ,living organisms have been classified into five kingdom.
  1. Two
  2. Four
  3. five
  4. Three


39. Study of lichens is called …..
  1. Algology
  2. Mycology
  3. Lichenology
  4. Cytology


40. Blue-green algae belong to which group?
  1. Protista
  2. Prokaryotes
  3. Fungi
  4. Bryophytes


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