Genetics and Evolution Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. The three codons which cause chain termination are
  1. TAG, TAA, TGA
  2. UAG, UGA, UAA
  3. AAT, TAG, UGA
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: UAG, UGA, UAA

2. Which one of the following is an example of Analogous organs?
  1. Hand of man and leg of horse
  2. Testis in males and ovaries in female developed from same embryonic tissue
  3. Wings of birds and bat
  4. Mouth parts of honeybee and housefly

Answer: Wings of birds and bat

3. Homozygosity and heterozygosity of an individual can be determined by
  1. Test cross
  2. Back cross
  3. Self-fertilization
  4. All of the above

Answer: Test cross

4. Mendel’s findings were rediscovered by
  1. Correns
  2. Tschermark
  3. De Vries
  4. All

Answer: All

5. Which of the following assertions about ionizing radiation is false?
  1. They disrupt the chromosomes.
  2. The ionized cells display aberrant cell division
  3. Radiation dosages are directly inversely correlated with the frequency of caused mutations.
  4. Cancer is not caused by it.

Answer: Cancer is not caused by it.

6. How many sickle cell genotypes are there in the population?
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four

Answer: Three

7. From the list given below, select the character which can be acquired but not inherited
  1. colour of eye
  2. colour of skin
  3. size of body
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: size of body

8. The alternate form of a gene is
  1. Recessive character
  2. Alternate type
  3. Allele
  4. Dominant character

Answer: Allele

9. Pea plants were used in Mendel’s experiments because
  1. They were cheap
  2. They were available easily
  3. They had contrasting characters
  4. All of the above

Answer: They had contrasting characters

10. Which of the following types of mutations occurs the most frequently?
  1. Somatic mutation
  2. Germline mutation
  3. Forward mutation
  4. Backward mutation

Answer: Forward mutation

11. Which of the following techniques may be used to identify an inheritance pattern within a family?
  1. Pedigree analysis
  2. Chromosome analysis
  3. Nuclear analysis
  4. Cytoplasm analysis

Answer: Pedigree analysis

12. The zygote would develop into a female child if the sex determining pair of chromosomes is made up of
  1. A set of XX chromosomes
  2. A set of YY chromosomes
  3. A set of XY chromosomes
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: A set of XX chromosomes

13. The crossing of F1 to either of the parents is known as
  1. Test cross
  2. F1 cross
  3. Back cross
  4. All of the above

Answer: Black Cross

14. Which of the following chemicals can cause mutations in both replicating and non-replicating DNA?
  1. Acridines
  2. Nitrous acid
  3. Base analogs
  4. Mustard gas

Answer: Nitrous acid

15. Which of the following statement is not correct with respect to Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  1. It is found in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and in many viruses.
  2. The DNA molecule consists of a single strand that is made of deoxyribose and phosphate groups.
  3. DNA codes genetic information for the transmission of inherited traits.
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: The DNA molecule consists of a single strand that is made of deoxyribose and phosphate groups.

16. The genotypic ratio of a monohybrid cross is
  1. 3:1
  2. 1:2:1
  3. 9:3:3:1
  4. 2:1:1

Answer: 1:2:1

17. Cystic fibrosis is
  1. Autosomal dominant disorder
  2. Sex-linked recessive disorder
  3. Sex-linked dominant disorder
  4. Autosomal recessive disorder

Answer: Autosomal recessive Disorder

18. When is it possible for a woman to be colorblind?
  1. The father has normal vision and the mother is a carrier
  2. The father has normal vision and the mother is colorblind
  3. The father is colorblind and the mother has a normal vision
  4. The father is colorblind and the mother is a carrier

Answer: The father is colorblind and the mother is a carrier

19. Who among the following proposed the twisted ladder model of DNA structure in 1953?
  1. James Watson and Francis Crick
  2. Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
  3. Friedrich Miescher and Erwin Chargaff
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: James Watson and Francis Crick

20. The tendency of an offspring to resemble its parent is known as
  1. Variation
  2. Resemblance
  3. Heredity
  4. Inheritance

Answer: Heredity

21. The smallest unit of genetic material which produces a phenotypic effect on mutation is
  1. Gene
  2. Muton
  3. Nucleic acid
  4. Recon

Answer: Muton

22. What is the genotypic ratio in a monohybrid cross ?
  1. 4∶ 2∶ 1
  2. 3 ∶ 1
  3. 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 1
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 1

23. Which of the following statements is true regarding the “law of segregation”?
  1. Segregation of factors is due to the segregation of chromosomes during meiosis
  2. Law of segregation is the law of purity of genes
  3. Alleles separate from each other during gametogenesis
  4. All of the above

Answer: all of the above

24. Alleles are
  1. Linked genes
  2. Alternate forms of genes
  3. Homologous chromosomes
  4. Chromosomes that have crossed over

Answer: Alternate forms of genes

25. Which of the following assertions about alpha-thalassemia is false?
  1. Involves the HBA1 and HBA2 genes
  2. Is inherited in a Mendelian dominant manner
  3. Is associated with the deletion of the 16p chromosome
  4. Leads to a reduction in the synthesis of globin

Answer: Is inherited in a Mendelian dominant manner

26. An exception to Mendel’s law is
  1. Linkage
  2. Independent assortment
  3. Purity of gametes
  4. Dominance

Answer: Linkage

27. Which of the following claims about polyploidy is false?
  1. It is frequently observed in plants
  2. Causes sterility in animals
  3. Reduces the number of chromosomal sets
  4. Either increases or increases the number of chromosome sets

Answer: Reduces the number of chromosomal sets

28. Who is known as the “Father of Genetics”?
  1. Mendel
  2. Morgan
  3. Bateson
  4. Watson

Answer: Mendel

29. 'V' shaped chromosomes are:
  1. Metacentric
  2. Sub metacentric
  3. Acrocentric
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: Metacentric

30. What is a 'gene' used in cell biology?
  1. It is the DNA inside the nucleus.
  2. It is the membrane of the nucleus.
  3. It is a unit of inheritance
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: It is a unit of inheritance

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