24 June 2023 Current Affairs – The Day’s Top News | GKSERIES

Current Affairs is the most important area in all competitive exams. But the difficulty level is very high. That’s why; many aspirants get confused, how to select Current Affairs for Preparation of Competitive Examination? In this Post, Daily Current Affairs 24 June 2023, we have tried to cover each and every point and also included all important facts from National/ International news that are useful for upcoming competitive examinations such as UPSC, SSC, Railway, State Govt. etc.

So, here is the Top News of the Day for 24 June 2023 to help you prepare the Latest Current Affairs part. After reading this section, you can successfully attempt Current Affairs Quiz.

Current Affairs for Competitive Exam – 24 June 2023

International Day Of Women In Diplomacy 2023: Date, Theme, Significance and History

International Day Of Women In Diplomacy 2023: Date, Theme, Significance and History

International Day of Women in Diplomacy 2023

The International Day of Women in Diplomacy (IDWID) is celebrated yearly on June 24 to honour and recognise outstanding women in diplomacy and decision-making around the world. Diana Abgar, an Armenian ambassador, is credited as the first female diplomat of the 20th century.

Other powerful women, such former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and former Indian Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj, have made important contributions to their countries’ worldwide representation. Today, Ruchira Kamboj, the Permanent Representative/Ambassador of India to the United Nations in New York, carries on this legacy. This article delves into the history and importance of IDWID.

International Day of Women in Diplomacy 2023 Theme

The Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT) is organising this year’s International Day of Women in Diplomacy (IDWID) Inaugural Forum, with the topic “Breaking Barriers, Shaping the Future: Women in Diplomacy for Sustainable Development.” The chosen theme emphasizes the importance of increasing the participation of women in decision-making and diplomatic roles.

This aspect is crucial for empowering women and achieving gender equality, which are fundamental for attaining the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The theme aims to bring attention to these issues and highlight their significance in shaping a sustainable future.

International Day of Women in Diplomacy Significance

As of January 2023, there are 34 women serving as heads of state and/or government in 31 countries. It has been observed that the participation of women in governance and diplomatic affairs leads to improved outcomes. The legislation they enact tends to be more beneficial for the general population and the environment. The International Day of Women in Diplomacy acknowledges and celebrates these strengths of women, aiming to promote greater gender equality worldwide.

International Day of Women in Diplomacy History

The International Day of Women in Diplomacy (IDWID) was recently established during the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), which ran from September 14, 2021 to September 13, 2022. On June 20, 2022, the UNGA adopted a resolution recognizing the importance of women’s contributions in diplomacy and the essential need for equal participation of women in decision-making, in line with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a result, June 24 was designated as the official International Day of Women in Diplomacy.

World Hydrography Day 2023: Date, Theme and History

World Hydrography Day 2023: Date, Theme and History

World Hydrography Day 2023

The Indian Naval Hydrographic Department will commemorate World Hydrography Day (WHD) on June 21, 2023. To honour World Water Day, the National Hydrographic Office (NHO) in Dehradun organised a variety of activities. These initiatives were designed to increase understanding and recognition of the vital role played by hydrography in ensuring secure navigation, fostering sustainable marine development, and supporting the Indian government’s Blue Economy objectives, which include safeguarding our oceans and coastal regions.

World Hydrography Day 2023 Theme

This year’s World Hydrography Day has a theme of “Hydrography – Underpinning the Digital Twin of the Ocean.” This theme aligns with the advancement of virtual representation and emphasizes the crucial role of hydrography in supporting the digital transformation of marine environments.

World Hydrography Day 2023 History

The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) approved and implemented World Hydrography Day as an annual celebration in 2005. On November 29, 2005, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) formally recognised this day with Resolution A/RES/60/30 “Oceans and the Law of the Sea.” The resolution acknowledged the establishment of World Hydrography Day by the IHO to be observed every year on June 21st. The inaugural World Hydrography Day took place on June 21, 2006.

The International Hydrographic Bureau, established on June 21, 1921, served as an intergovernmental organization responsible for surveying and charting the world’s seas, oceans, and navigable waters. In 1970, it was renamed the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). To commemorate the anniversary of the IHO’s establishment, June 21st was designated as World Hydrography Day.

What is Hydrography?

Hydrography is a scientific field that studies and describes the physical properties of oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes, and rivers. It also entails forecasting changes in these characteristics over time. The primary objective of hydrography is to ensure the safety of navigation and support various marine activities, such as economic development, security and defense, scientific research, and environmental protection. Some notable advantages of hydrography include facilitating resource exploitation, such as fishing and mineral extraction, enabling effective environmental protection and management, establishing national marine spatial data infrastructures, improving maritime defence and security, tsunami flood and inundation modelling, and advancing marine science.

Important takeaways for all competitive exams: 

  • International Hydrographic Organization Established: 1921;
  • International Hydrographic Organization  Secretary-General:  Dr Mathias Jonas;
  • International Hydrographic Organization  Headquarters: Monaco.

Titanic sub destroyed in ‘catastrophic implosion’

Titanic sub destroyed in ‘catastrophic implosion’


A deep-sea submersible named Titan, operated by OceanGate Expeditions, met a devastating end during its mission to explore the century-old wreck of the Titanic. The US Coast Guard said that the submersible was located in parts, the consequence of a catastrophic implosion that killed all five individuals on board. The multinational search for the vessel concluded with the detection of a debris field, including major fragments of the Titan, near the bow of the Titanic in the remote depths of the North Atlantic.

Loss of Contact and Implosion

The Titan had been missing since it lost contact with its surface support ship from a week. Coast Guard officials stated that the debris field aligned with the characteristics of a catastrophic implosion of the submersible. The exact cause of the implosion and subsequent destruction of the Titan remains unknown.

The Victims and Their Legacy

OceanGate confirmed that none of the five guys on board the Titan survived. The submarine was piloted by Stockton Rush, the founder and CEO of OceanGate Expeditions. The other victims were British billionaire and explorer Hamish Harding, Pakistani-born businessman Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son Suleman (both British citizens), and French oceanographer and renowned Titanic expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet.

Extensive Search Efforts

Multiple countries, including the United States, Canada, France, and Britain, participated in a five-day search operation involving aircraft and vessels. Thousands of square kilometres of open sea were searched in the hopes of locating the Titan. The global attention received by this search overshadowed another maritime tragedy involving a migrant vessel off the coast of Greece, which claimed the lives of hundreds of people.

The Titanic’s Legacy

RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in the early morning of 15 April 1912, after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. The recent expedition to explore the wreck has drawn significant interest due to the Titanic’s historical significance and the popularity of books and movies, such as the blockbuster film “Titanic” released in 1997.

Important takeaways for competitive examinations

  • Titanic was a British-registered ship made by Irish shipbuilding company Harland & Wolff.
  • The Titanic was a 269-metre-long ocean liner built to connect Southampton, England, and New York City.
  • Seawise Giant, built in japan is the largest ship in the world.

Coal India To Come Under Competition Act: Supreme Court

Coal India To Come Under Competition Act: Supreme Court


The Supreme Court of India has determined that Coal India Limited (CIL) and its subsidiary firms are subject to the 2002 Competition Act. The court held that the Competition Commission of India (CCI) can take action against CIL for abuse of its dominant position in the coal sector. However, the court emphasized that CIL has the right to defend its actions under the law. This decision comes after CIL challenged a ruling by the CCI in 2014, which held the company guilty of abuse of dominant position and imposed a penalty.


CIL, a public sector undertaking and its subsidiary Western Coalfields Limited, argued that they should be exempt from the Competition Act because they are governed by the Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1973. They maintained that the Competition Act should not apply to businesses dedicated to attaining the goals stated in Article 39(b) of the Indian Constitution, which emphasises on the sharing of community resources for the common good.

Court’s Decision

The Supreme Court bench comprising Justice K.M. Joseph, Justice B.V. Nagarathna, and Justice Ahsanuddin Amanullah rejected CIL’s argument. The court held that there is no merit in the contention that the Competition Act cannot be reconciled with the Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act. It stated that CIL and its subsidiaries are covered under the Competition Act, and the CCI has the authority to take action against them for abuse of dominant position.


The judgment has significant implications for CIL and its subsidiaries. It establishes that they cannot claim immunity from competition law enforcement and must adhere to the provisions of the Competition Act. The ruling empowers the CCI to investigate and penalize CIL for any anti-competitive practices in the coal sector. This decision also reaffirms the importance of competition law in promoting fair market practices and preventing abuse of dominance.

About Competition Commission of India

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is the chief national competition regulator in India. It is a statutory body within the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and is responsible for enforcing the Competition Act, 2002. It encourages competition and discourages acts that have a significant negative impact on competition in India. It was established on October 14, 2003, and is based in New Delhi. Ravneet Kaur is its chairperson.

About Coal India Limited

  • Coal India Limited (CIL) is an Indian central public sector undertaking under the ownership of the Ministry of Coal, Government of India.
  • It was founded in 1975 & is headquartered at Kolkata.
  • Pramod Agarwal is the Chairman & MD of Coal India Limited.

Apple To Launch Its Credit Card In India

Apple To Launch Its Credit Card In India

Apple Inc. intends to offer its credit card, known as Apple Card, in India. The iPhone maker intends to collaborate with HDFC bank to offer its credit card to Indian users. About the Apple Card is in its primitive stage and there has been no concrete decision taken till now. Other than holding discussions with the HDFC Bank CEO, Apple Inc executives have also held discussions with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) related to the legalities of the card, found Monecontrol.

Apple was asked by the RBI to follow the regular procedure laid out for other co-branded credit cards. India’s central bank made it clear that there will be no special concessions made for the iPhone maker to bring its credit card to India.

Features of Apple Card

  • Customers who use the Apple Card for regular purchases can earn up to 1% cashback, which climbs to 2% if payment is made with Apple Pay. Cashback rate reaches 3% for people who use the card to make payments at Apple stores and specified partners.
  • There is no late fees charged by Apple to its Apple card holders. The company does not charge on foreign transaction, returned payment, or annual credit card fees. However, users have to pay interest fees generated for carrying balance.
  • Savings: Apple card owners can open 4.15% savings account (No minimum balance limit) to deposit their daily cash.
  • Every customer will get a unique card number for each device. The number is kept in a secure element that Apple Pay uses to manage transactions and on-device cryptographic functionality.

Important takeaways for all competitive exams:

  • Apple Founders: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne;
  • Apple Headquarters: Cupertino, California, United States;
  • Apple CEO: Tim Cook (24 Aug 2011–);
  • Apple Founded: 1 April 1976, Los Altos, California, United States.

NHAI Launches ‘Knowledge Sharing Platform’ For Development Of Highways

NHAI Launches ‘Knowledge Sharing Platform’ For Development Of Highways

NHAI launches ‘Knowledge Sharing Platform’

The National Highway Authority of India has announced the launch of a knowledge-sharing website by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. This platform intends to encourage inclusive national highway development. It will serve as a collaborative space for experts and citizens to share ideas and knowledge in various fields including road design, safety, construction, environmental sustainability, and related areas.

The platform intends to encourage the exchange of best practices and innovative ideas from around the world. By facilitating the sharing of expertise, it aims to contribute to the development of the country’s national highway infrastructure. This effort aims to leverage the pooled wisdom and experiences of professionals and the general public in order to create breakthroughs in the field of highway developing in India.

The online platform is a great source for citizens and experts to share their ideas and practices that will be beneficial to the nation’s development. Through this online pathway, any citizen and expert can share relevant and rational ideas that will help the authority implement them, leading to development.

NHAI Promotes Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices

  • With the help of updated technology and rapid innovation, the national highway infrastructure is developing at a fast pace. To promote sustainable and eco-friendly methods, NHAI is using recycled materials like plastic waste and fly ash. They are also encouraging the use of Recycled Asphalt (RAP) and Recycled Aggregates (RA) to contribute to a healthy environment.
  • With the establishment of state-of-the-art tunnels, wildlife corridors, modern bridges, and motorways, the national highway infrastructure needs to have active participation in continuous development and advancement to keep pace with the times.
  • The ‘Knowledge Sharing’ platform aims to increase expert and citizen engagement and cooperation of ideas and views, allowing people to share their best practises as part of the nation-building process.

About NHAI

  • The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) was established by an Act of Parliament in 1988 and is administered by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) was established as a Central Authority to build, maintain, and manage the National Highways entrusted to it by the Government of India. The authority, however, became operational in February, 1995.
  • The Authority consists of a full time Chairman, and not more than five full time Members and four part time Members who are appointed by the Central Government. The part time Members are the Secretary (RT&H), Secretary (Expenditure), Secretary (Planning) and DG (RD) & SS. NHAI has technical, Finance, Administrative and Vigilance Wings at its Headquarters. Project implementation Units (PIUs) headed by a Project Director and supported by various technical and accounts officers have been set up at various sites to oversee timely completion of the projects.

Important takeaways for all competitive exams: 

  • Minister of Road Transport and Highways: Nitin Jairam Gadkari.

Centre Allocates ₹145 Crore To Nagaland For Unity Mall

Centre Allocates ₹145 Crore To Nagaland For Unity Mall

The Central government has allocated ₹145 crore for the construction of a Unity Mall in Dimapur, Nagaland.

Aim: For promoting and showcasing the state’s One District One Product offerings

The allocation is part of the Union Budget 2023-24, which has earmarked ₹5,000 crore for the establishment of Unity Malls.

The announcement was made during an ODOP Sampark event, which was organized by the DPIIT, Invest India, and the Department of Industries and Commerce, Nagaland.

Milk Processing Plant In Collaboration With Nddb In Kangra

Milk Processing Plant In Collaboration With Nddb In Kangra

Himachal Pradesh CM Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu informed that the Himachal Pradesh government will collaborate with National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) to set up a state-of-the-art milk processing plant at Dagwar in Kangra district.

The dairy development board’s assistance would be taken for its operation and marketing.

The Dagwar plant’s capacity would range from 1 lakh to 3 lakh liters, in which high-quality milk products would also be prepared.

PM-Kisan Mobile App Introduces Face Authentification Feature

PM-Kisan Mobile App Introduces Face Authentification Feature

Agriculture Minister, Narendra Singh Tomar has unveiled a new feature on the PM-Kisan mobile app.

Farmers can be registered by scanning their faces without a one-time password or fingerprint, by using the “face authentification” feature on the mobile application.

Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN), eligible farmers are provided with a financial benefit of Rs 6,000 per year in three equal installments of Rs 2,000 each every four months.

Enhancing Accessibility with Bhashini 

In addition to the face authentication feature, the PM-Kisan scheme is integrating with Bhashini, the government’s National Public Digital Platform for languages. This integration aims to provide farmers with information in their native language, ensuring wider accessibility and understanding of the scheme’s benefits and updates. 

Impressive Participation and Outreach 

According to the Agriculture Ministry, more than 11 crore farmers have availed the PM-Kisan scheme, and an amount of Rs 2.42 lakh crore has been successfully transferred to their bank accounts. This highlights the wide-reaching impact of the scheme in supporting farmers across the country. 

RBI Imposes Penalties On Axis Bank, J&K Bank, And Bank Of Maharashtra

RBI Imposes Penalties On Axis Bank, J&K Bank, And Bank Of Maharashtra

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has levied a monetary penalty of Rs 2.5 crore on Jammu & Kashmir Bank for failing to comply with certain RBI directives. The penalty stems from the bank’s inability to follow the RBI’s instructions on the central repository of substantial common exposures across banks, loans, and advances, as well as statutory and other constraints. Additionally, the bank did not ensure the timely implementation and strengthening of SWIFT-related operational controls. The RBI’s statutory inspection conducted on March 31, 2021, revealed non-compliance with these directions.

Axis Bank Fined for Violating RBI Guidelines on Credit Card Accounts

The RBI fined Axis Bank Rs 30 lakh for failing to comply with various sections of the RBI’s Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification, and Provisioning applicable to Advances – Credit Card Accounts. The penalty stems from the bank charging penal fees on certain accounts for late payment of credit card dues, even though the customers had made timely payments through third-party platforms.

Bank of Maharashtra Penalized for Breaching RBI’s Directives on Loans and ATMs

The RBI has fined Bank of Maharashtra Rs 1.45 crore for failing to follow particular instructions issued by the RBI. The penalty pertains to the bank’s failure to adhere to RBI’s guidelines on Loans and Advances – Statutory and Other Restrictions, as well as the Advisory on Man in the Middle (MiTM) Attacks in ATMs.

During the RBI’s inspection, it was discovered that the bank had sanctioned a term loan to a corporation without conducting proper due diligence on the viability and bankability of the projects for which the loan was provided. Furthermore, the bank failed to implement the required control measures for ATMs, specifically regarding the end-to-end encryption of communication between the ATM terminal/PC and the ATM Switch, within the prescribed timeline.

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