In the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, the government announced the third phase of ambitious Back to Village (B2V) programme from October 2 to 12, this year.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
Terming the first two phases of Back to Village (B2V) as huge success, government said it is a unique programme which received tremendous respect from the people when 4000 Gazetted Officers from J&K administration visited each and every Panchayat of J&K.
The Phase-I of B2V was an introductory and interactive programme to understand the people’s grievances and demands.
While Phase-II focused on the devolution of powers to panchayats and tried to understand how these panchayats are functioning and what are the grievances and demands, “the Phase-III has been designed on the format for grievance redressal.”
Next month will be a festival of public grievance redressal, festival of public service delivery and festival of delivery of development at gram Panchayat level.