International Dog Day is observed every year on August 26. The day provides an opportunity for dog lovers to celebrate the day of their special friend who showers them with unconditional love and affection. International Dog Day 2022 also encourages people to adopt dogs and provide them with the better quality of life they deserve. Dog Day 2202 also disrupts the misconceptions of adopting and breeding only a particular breed of dogs and promotes the adoption and nurturing of stray dogs as well.
The aim of promoting this day is to raise awareness about adopting these animals who are currently in rescue centres. on this day promote dog ownership of all breeds, pure and mixed. Embrace National Dog Day as an opportunity for all dogs to live a safe, happy and abuse-free life.
History of the International Dog Day:
The day was started as National Dog Day in the US in 2004 by pet & family lifestyle expert, animal rescue advocate, conservationist and dog trainer Colleen Paige. August 26 was chosen as on this day, Paige’s family had adopted their first dog “Sheltie” from an animal shelter when she was just 10 years old. Not only this, Colleen is the founder of National Puppy Day, National Cat Day, and National Wildlife Day as well.