4 April 2023 Current Affairs – The Day’s Top News | GKSERIES

Current Affairs is the most important area in all competitive exams. But the difficulty level is very high. That’s why; many aspirants get confused, how to select Current Affairs for Preparation of Competitive Examination? In this Post, Daily Current Affairs 4 April 2023, we have tried to cover each and every point and also included all important facts from National/ International news that are useful for upcoming competitive examinations such as UPSC, SSC, Railway, State Govt. etc.

So, here is the Top News of the Day for 4 April 2023 to help you prepare the Latest Current Affairs part. After reading this section, you can successfully attempt Current Affairs Quiz.

Current Affairs for Competitive Exam – 4 April 2023

International Day for Mine Awareness 2023 observed on 4th April

International Day for Mine Awareness 2023 observed on 4th April

International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action 2023: Every year on April 4, the world observes the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action to raise awareness about the dangers of explosive mines and to generate support for efforts to eliminate them. The UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) leads the mine action community, which plays a crucial role in achieving the goals of mine action.

April 2023 Current Affairs Quiz

International Day of Mine Awareness: Theme

The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) has selected the theme “Mine Action Cannot Wait” for this year’s campaign, which seeks to draw attention to the long-standing issues caused by explosive mines in countries like Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. The campaign’s goal is to emphasise the importance of addressing these long-standing issues.

International Day of Mine Awareness: Significance

The International Day of Mine Awareness and Action is celebrated with the aim of creating a world that is free from landmines and explosive remnants of war, thereby ensuring the safety of individuals and communities. The day is significant because it resulted in the creation of a UN accountability framework and the implementation of the ‘Theory of Change’ in the mine action programme.

On this day, 12 different departments and offices of the United Nations Secretariat, as well as specialized agencies, funds, and programs, come together to support mine action programs in 30 countries and 3 territories. The day is also important for peacekeepers who conduct patrols, provide assistance to humanitarian agencies, raise awareness among the general public about the dangers of mines, and educate those living in hazardous environments on how to stay safe and avoid the risk of injury or death.

International Day of Mine Awareness: History

The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention was created in 1997 to lead the campaign against mines and has been ratified by 164 countries since then. The United Nations General Assembly declared April 4th as International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance for Mine Action, to be observed globally.

Since then, the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) has been working to address the needs of individuals affected by explosive hazards, including civilians, humanitarian workers, and peacekeepers. UNMAS collaborates with various organizations and states across the world to provide assistance to people affected by land mines and to eliminate the threats posed by these dangerous explosives.

Closest Black Hole to Earth Discovered in Our Cosmic Backyard: A New Era Begins

Closest Black Hole to Earth Discovered in Our Cosmic Backyard: A New Era Begins

Closest Black Hole to Earth Discovered in Our Cosmic Backyard: A New Era Begins– Scientists have made a significant astronomical discovery by identifying the nearest black hole to our planet, which is located nearby in space. This remarkable discovery presents new prospects for studying these mysterious entities and comprehending their impact on the structure of the cosmos.

Discovery of the black hole BH1:

Astronomers used the European Space Agency’s Gaia satellite to detect a black hole known as BH1. The black hole has been located within a distance of only 1,000 light-years from Earth, which is the closest proximity that any black hole has ever been found. The Gaia satellite was built to precisely measure the movements and positions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

April 2023 Current Affairs Quiz

What is a black hole?

Black holes are incredibly dense objects that are formed when massive stars collapse under the force of their own gravity. They are so dense that their gravity is strong enough to trap anything that comes too close, including light itself. This makes them invisible to telescopes, which can only detect the effects of their gravity on nearby matter.

Why is this discovery so significant?

The discovery of BH1 is significant because it enables scientists to study a black hole in great detail. By observing the effects of its gravity on nearby stars and gas, astronomers can learn more about the properties and behavior of black holes. This, in turn, can help us understand how they form, grow, and interact with their surroundings.

Aside from BH1, the Gaia satellite discovered another black hole known as Gaia BH2, which is approximately 15,000 light-years from Earth. These two black holes have the most widely separated orbits of all known black holes, with BH1 orbiting around a companion star once every 6.7 days and Gaia BH2 taking about 7.6 years to complete a single orbit.

The discovery of BH1 and Gaia BH2 is just the beginning of what promises to be an exciting new era of black hole research. With the help of advanced telescopes and satellites, astronomers are poised to unlock the secrets of these mysterious objects and gain new insights into the workings of the universe.

NASA Selects First Woman and Black Man for Artemis II Moon Mission

NASA Selects First Woman and Black Man for Artemis II Moon Mission

NASA Selects First Woman and Black Man for Moon Mission: After a 50-year break, NASA has announced the names of the four astronauts who will be taking humans back to the Artemis II Moon Mission. A woman astronaut, Christina Koch, and a black astronaut, Victor Glover, will be part of a lunar mission for the first time. The team, along with Reid Wiseman and Jeremy Hansen, will orbit the Moon in a capsule in late 2022 or early 2025. While they will not land on the Moon, their mission will prepare the way for a future crew to make a touchdown.

April 2023 Current Affairs Quiz

Apollo 17 was the most recent human spaceflight mission to the Moon, in December 1972, and Apollo 11 was the first to land on the Moon in 1969. The next lunar landing, known as Artemis-3, is not expected to happen until at least a year after Artemis-2. Currently, NASA does not possess a system that can bring astronauts down to the lunar surface, but Elon Musk’s SpaceX company is developing one.

During a ceremony held in Houston, Texas, the four astronauts – three from the US and one from Canada – were officially presented to the public. They will now commence a rigorous period of training to prepare themselves for the mission. NASA is fulfilling its commitment to promoting diversity in its exploration efforts by selecting a woman and a person of colour. It is worth noting that all previous crewed Moon missions have been undertaken by white men.

About all Four astronauts

  • Reid Wiseman (47): A US Navy pilot who served for a time as the head of Nasa’s astronaut office. He’s flown one previous space mission, to the International Space station in 2015.
  • Victor Glover (46): A US Navy test pilot. He joined Nasa in 2013 and made his first spaceflight in 2020. He was the first African American to stay on the space station for an extended period of six months.
  • Christina Koch (44): An electrical engineer. She holds the record for longest continuous time in space by a woman, of 328 days. With Nasa astronaut Jessica Meir she participated in the first all-female spacewalk in October 2019.
  • Jeremy Hansen (47): Before joining the Canadian Space Agency, he was a fighter pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force. He has yet to fly in space.

About the Artemis II mission:

The crew of Artemis II will board the Orion spacecraft, which will be carried by the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, the most powerful ever built, for a flyby of Earth’s only natural satellite. The Artemis II crew represents thousands of people working tirelessly to bring us to the stars. This is their crew, this is our crew, this is humanity’s crew.

During the Artemis II mission, NASA will test the performance of the SLS rocket, Orion spacecraft, and ground systems needed to support crewed missions to the Moon. The mission will also test the communication and navigation systems that will be used during future crewed missions.

After ChatGPT, Italy plans to ban English language

After ChatGPT, Italy plans to ban English language

After ChatGPT, Italy plans to ban English language: In a startling move, the Italian government has announced that it plans to ban the English language and impose heavy fines on individuals and organizations that continue to use it. The announcement comes just weeks after the ban on ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. The decision has been met with widespread criticism and has raised questions about Italy’s commitment to international cooperation and its position in the global economy.

April 2023 Current Affairs Quiz

More About Italy’s Plans to Ban English language:

The ban on using the English language, according to the government, will be enforced with fines of up to Rs 89.3 lakh. The decision is part of a broader effort to promote the Italian language and culture and to reduce the influence of foreign languages, particularly English, which is widely used in international business and diplomacy.

What the critique said:

Many in the international community are outraged by the move, claiming that it will harm Italy’s position in the global economy and make it more difficult for Italian businesses to compete on the global stage. English is the language of international trade and diplomacy, and many businesses and organizations rely on it to communicate with customers and partners around the world.

Critics also argue that the ban on English language use is an affront to free speech and international cooperation. The ability to communicate in a common language is critical for diplomacy and cooperation, and a ban on a widely spoken language like English could stymie Italy’s ability to collaborate with other countries on critical issues such as climate change, international security, and economic development.

Moreover, the proposed fines are astronomical and could have a devastating impact on businesses and individuals who rely on the English language for their livelihoods. Many experts believe that the fines are disproportionate and could be used to stifle dissent and suppress free speech.

ISRO’s Reusable Launch Vehicle Mission RLV LEX

ISRO’s Reusable Launch Vehicle Mission RLV LEX

Reusable Launch Vehicle Autonomous Landing Mission (RLV LEX): ISRO has completed the Reusable Launch Vehicle Autonomous Landing Mission (RLV LEX) at the Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) in Chitradurga, Karnataka. A Chinook helicopter of the Indian Air Force carried the RLV as an underslung load and flew it to an altitude of 4.5 km. Once the predetermined pillbox parameters were reached, the RLV was autonomously released mid-air, 4.6 km downrange. The RLV then successfully executed approach and landing maneuvers using the Integrated Navigation, Guidance & control system and autonomously landed on the ATR air strip. ISRO has achieved the successful autonomous landing of a space vehicle.

April 2023 Current Affairs Quiz

The autonomous landing carried out by ISRO was done under conditions that simulate the landing of a space re-entry vehicle, with the vehicle performing a precise landing from the same return path as if it were arriving from space. The landing achieved precise parameters such as ground relative velocity, the sink rate of landing gears, and precise body rates, all of which would be experienced by an orbital re-entry space vehicle in its return path. The RLV LEX mission’s success was dependent on a number of cutting-edge technologies, including precise navigation hardware and software, a pseudolite system, a Ka-band radar altimeter, a NavIC receiver, indigenous landing gear, aerofoil honeycomb fins, and a brake parachute system.

ISRO conducted a groundbreaking test where a winged vehicle, RLV, was carried by a helicopter to an altitude of 4.5 km and released for an autonomous landing on a runway. The RLV is essentially a space plane with a low lift to drag ratio that requires a high glide angle approach and a landing speed of 350 kmph. The LEX mission used several indigenous ISRO systems, including localised navigation systems, instrumentation, and sensor systems. The landing site was mapped with a Ka-band Radar Altimeter, and wind tunnel tests and CFD simulations were conducted to characterize the vehicle’s aerodynamics. The use of contemporary technologies developed for RLV LEX makes other operational launch vehicles of ISRO more cost-effective.

Important Takeaways for All Competitive Exams:

  • ISRO Chairman: S. Somanath;
  • ISRO foundation Date: 15th August, 1969;
  • ISRO Founder: Dr. Vikram Sarabhai

A book titled “Courting India: England, Mughal India and the Origins of Empire” by Nandini Das

A book titled “Courting India: England, Mughal India and the Origins of Empire” by Nandini Das

“Courting India: England, Mughal India and the Origins of Empire”: “Courting India: England, Mughal India and the Origins of Empire” is a book written by Nandini Das, a professor of English Literature at the University of Liverpool. The book delves into the early modern period’s complex relationship between England and Mughal India, focusing on cultural and literary exchanges between these two worlds.

April 2023 Current Affairs Quiz

The essence of the book:

In 1589, Richard Hakluyt published The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, And Discoveries Of The English Nation, a seminal collection of all English travel writings of the time. He had done so, he confessed, to counter the insulting notion in Europe that the English were inferior and laggardly naval explorers. His weighty tome and the advice he offered to trading companies galvanised seafaring activity, and, according to academic and author Nandini Das, “is the foundation on which Britain’s view of itself as a heroic seafaring nation would be established for centuries to come”.

This energising fervour came at an opportune time, because following Elizabeth I’s excommunication by Pope Pius V in 1570, the English were struggling to trade with Catholic Europe and desperate to find new markets. In the trade winds of these reinventions, we find Thomas Roe in 1615, setting off on his four-year mission as English ambassador to the court of the Mughal emperor in India, Jahangir.

Das walks us through the dark, wood-paneled rooms, gunmetal skies, and corruption of Jacobean England, into the wide courtyards and light-filled spaces of Mughal India, where Roe is confronted by a world that is both familiar and deeply, unsettlingly, foreign in her sumptuous new book, Courting India: England, Mughal India, And The Origins Of Empire. Roe carried with him a precious English coach, a marvel of engineering and style in Europe, as a gift for the Mughal emperor. And the fate of this coach is almost caricatural in the loaded symbolism it represents of the fears that poison the early English encounters with Mughal India.

‘MF Hydra’: World’s first liquid hydrogen-powered ferry gets operational

‘MF Hydra’: World’s first liquid hydrogen-powered ferry gets operational

MF Hydra: Norled, a Norwegian company, has successfully launched the world’s first liquid hydrogen ferry. The vessel, called MF Hydra, is a hybrid that uses both batteries and liquid hydrogen fuel cells. It underwent sea trials for two weeks after initial testing at Hjelmeland quay earlier this year. The ferry’s operation has been approved by the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA). Because hydrogen fuel cells produce only clean water as a byproduct, this milestone achievement is a significant step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime industry.

April 2023 Current Affairs Quiz

Dimension of the MF Hydra ferry:

The ferry, MF Hydra, has received clearance from the Norwegian Maritime Administration to start sailing. The vessel, which will be delivered in 2021, is 82.4 metres long and can carry up to 300 passengers and 80 vehicles. It can travel at a speed of 9 knots thanks to its two 200 kW fuel cells, two 440 kW generators, and two Shottel thrusters. The hydrogen systems for the ferry were provided by Linde Engineering in Germany, while the fuel cells that generate electricity from hydrogen were developed by Danish company Ballard. The vessel was equipped and completed by Westcon in Ølensvåg, in collaboration with system integrator SEAM from Karmøy, which also supplied the automation scope for the hydrogen system. Corvus Energy supplied the batteries for the vessel.

China announces ‘renaming’ of 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh

China announces ‘renaming’ of 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh

China announces ‘renaming’ of 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh: China’s Civil Affairs Ministry published a list of standardised names for 11 Arunachal Pradesh locations, referring to it as “Zangnan,” Tibet’s southern region, and using Chinese, Tibetan, and pinyin characters. This move is seen as an attempt by China to stake a claim on the Indian state, in line with their regulations on geographical names.

April 2023 Current Affairs Quiz

More About The China’s illegal ‘renaming’ of 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh:

China’s Civil Affairs Ministry has disclosed the precise coordinates and official names of 11 locations in Arunachal Pradesh. There are two residential areas, two land areas, five mountain peaks, and two rivers among these locations. The ministry has also listed the categories of the places’ names as well as their subordinate administrative districts.

China’s Illegal Claim over Arunachal Pradesh:

China claims a large part of Arunachal Pradesh as its own territory based on historical and cultural links to the region, as well as the presence of ethnic Tibetans. China argues that the territory was historically part of Tibet and was incorporated into the Chinese empire during the Qing Dynasty.

Arunachal Pradesh: India’s Integral Part:

India, on the other hand, disputes China’s claim and considers Arunachal Pradesh to be a part of its sovereign territory since the country’s independence from British rule. India points to historical evidence, including the McMahon Line, a boundary drawn by British colonial officials in 1914 that demarcated the region as part of India.

The dispute over Arunachal Pradesh has been a longstanding issue between the two countries, resulting in occasional military standoffs and diplomatic tensions. Despite efforts to resolve the issue through negotiations, the dispute remains unresolved.

Stunning Images of Earth from Space by ISRO

Stunning Images of Earth from Space by ISRO

ISRO Releases Earth Images Captured by Oceansat-3: The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has released breathtaking images of Earth captured by its Earth Observation Satellite (EOS-06), also known as Oceansat-3.The satellite used its Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) to capture the images, which reveal every continent and were taken between February 1 and 15, 2023. The breathtaking images were created by combining 2,939 images and processing 300 GB of data to create a mosaic with a spatial resolution of 1 km. Different continents are visible in different colours due to variations in wavelengths.

April 2023 Current Affairs Quiz

Global Vegetation and Ocean Biota Data from OCM-3

ISRO has confirmed that the images contain information about global vegetation cover on land and ocean biota. The OCM is capable of sensing the Earth in 13 distinct wavelengths, making it a powerful tool for oceanography and atmospheric research. Oceansat-3 is a nanosatellite that was launched by ISRO in November 2022, as part of a larger constellation of satellites.

Nanosatellite Oceansat-3 Equipped with Advanced Tools

Oceansat-3 is outfitted with three primary instruments: the Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM-3), the Sea Surface Temperature Monitor (SSTM), and the Ku-Band Scatterometer (SCAT-3), as well as the ARGOS system. The satellite can use chlorophyll and SST, wind speed, and land-based applications to identify potential fishing zones.

Internet Users Amazed by Earth Images, Go Viral on Social Media

The images sparked widespread awe and admiration among internet users, who flooded social media with comments about the planet’s breathtaking beauty. Some even expressed pride in their home countries. The images have gone viral, with many users describing them as “mind-blowing” and a “feast for the eyes.”

The release of the images comes shortly after a tweet from NASA, which shared an old image of Earth at night that showed human settlements across the planet.

Important Takeaways for All Competitive Exams:

  • ISRO Chairman: S. Somanath;
  • ISRO foundation Date: 15th August, 1969;
  • ISRO Founder: Dr. Vikram Sarabhai.

Sheenu Jhawar becomes the first woman President of TiE Rajasthan

Sheenu Jhawar becomes the first woman President of TiE Rajasthan

President of TiE Rajasthan: Dr. Sheenu Jhawar has been appointed as the new President of the Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) Rajasthan for a two-year term beginning in 2023 and ending in 2025. This marks a historic moment as Dr. Jhawar becomes the first woman to hold this position in the 21-year history of TiE Rajasthan. She takes over from Dr. Ravi Modani, who had been leading the chapter effectively since 2021.

April 2023 Current Affairs Quiz

About the TiE Rajasthan

TiE Rajasthan is a TiE Global chapter that was named the Best Chapter in 2021. TiE Rajasthan has been a leader in the state of Rajasthan since its inception in 2002, and has made significant contributions to the start-up ecosystem. The founding members, the Governing Council, and past leadership of TiE-R have implemented a strategy that has facilitated access to funding, mentoring, and other resources, thereby making it easier for start-ups to thrive in the state. TiE Rajasthan has played an important role in assisting start-ups in the region over the last two decades.TiE Rajasthan has achieved significant milestones in recent years, bringing them closer to the startup community, and earning recognition on the global stage. Startups mentored by TiE Rajasthan have received international acclaim, and TiE Rajasthan itself was honored with the highly coveted Best TiE Chapter Award in 2021.

The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) is a non-profit organization established in 1992 in Silicon Valley, which operates globally with 58 chapters in 14 countries, with a primary goal of promoting entrepreneurship. Through various initiatives such as mentoring, networking, education, incubation, and funding, TiE aims to support and foster the next generation of entrepreneurs worldwide.

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