Q. The Telengana Movement happened in:
(a) 1922
(b) 1942
(c) 1946
(d) 1919
Ans: (c) 1946
Explanation: The Telangana Movement took place in India during the year 1946. It was a peasant armed struggle that occurred in the Telangana region of the then Hyderabad State (now Telangana and parts of Andhra Pradesh). The movement aimed to bring about agrarian reforms, alleviate the grievances of the peasants, and address socio-economic inequalities. The movement involved a large-scale mobilization of peasants and was marked by acts of resistance, protests, and armed uprisings against the feudal landlords and oppressive regimes. The Telangana Movement played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of the region and eventually led to the formation of the state of Telangana in independent India.