Rajagopalachari’s formula was

Q. Rajagopalachari’s formula was

(a) Merger of princely States

(b) Formulation of a separate Muslim State

(c) Plebiscite to Muslims whether they should form a separate State

(d) Forming a Constituent Assembly

Ans: (c) Plebiscite to Muslims whether they should form a separate State

Explanation: Rajagopalachari’s formula was option (c) Plebiscite to Muslims whether they should form a separate State.

The Rajagopalachari formula, also known as the C.R. formula, was proposed by C. Rajagopalachari, a prominent leader and the last Governor-General of India, in 1944 as a potential solution to the communal tensions and demands for a separate Muslim state.

According to the formula, a plebiscite or a referendum would be conducted among the Muslim population in India to determine whether they desired a separate state. The formula suggested that the Muslim-majority provinces or regions that voted in favor of a separate state would be allowed to form such a state, while the rest of India would remain undivided. The Rajagopalachari formula was an attempt to address the growing demands for a separate Muslim state without immediately resorting to partition. However, it did not gain widespread acceptance and was not implemented. Eventually, the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan took place in 1947.

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