Amit, Rishi and Vinod invested Rs 15000, 10000 and 5000 respectively in a partnership business. The annual profit share of Vinod is Rs 15000 out of the total profit of Rs 60000 and the profit share of Amit is Rs 15000 more than the profit share of Rishi. Then find the ratio of time period of investment of Amit, Rishi and Vinod in the partnership.
A. 4:3:6
B. 4:3:5
C. 2:3:5
D. 3:4:7
E. None of these
Let Amit, Rishi and Vinod invest X, Y and Z
months respectively.
Let profit of Rishi be P.
So, Profit of Amit = P + 15000
Then, 60000 = 15000 + 15000 + P + P
P = 15000
So, profit of Amit = 15000 + 15000 = 30000
Profit of Rishi = 15000
Now, profit sharing ratio of Amit, Rishi and Vinod
30000 : 15000 : 15000
So, 15000X : 10000Y : 5000Z = 2:1:1
= 3X/2Y=2
2Y = Z
So, the required ratio= X:Y:Z= 4:3:6