Found in the Kurra caves of Chhattisgarh in April 2021 by a team of zoologists headed by Dr Ranjana Jaiswara of the Zoology Department of Panjab University, Chandigarh, the new subgenus was named Jayanti after Professor Jayant Biswas, one of the leading cave explorers in the country
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2021
Jayanti has become the twelfth subgenus, or species, of cricket identified under the genus Arachnomimus Saussure, 1897. The new find has been published in the reputed journal Zootaxa this month.
Arachnomimus is the genus name given by Swiss Entomologist Henri Louis Frédéric de Saussure in 1878 to crickets that resembled spiders.
This is apt because crickets of this group are commonly called spider crickets because of their smaller body size and long legs.
The newly discovered subgenus, Indimimus, is different from the two subgenera, Arachnomimus and Euarachnomimus, because of the male genitalia structure.