The Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) has launched a new scheme called ‘Accelerate Vigyan’ (AV) to provide a single platform for research internships, capacity building programs, and workshops across the country. It has already called for applications under its ‘ABHYAAS’ component for the Winter Season.
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The primary objective of this inter-ministerial scheme is to give more thrust on encouraging high-end scientific research and preparing scientific manpower, which can lead to research careers and knowledge-based economy.
Recognizing that all research has its base as development of quality and well-trained researchers, AV will initiate and strengthen mechanisms of identifying research potential, mentoring, training and hands-on workshop on a national scale.
As for the ‘ABHYAAS’ programme, it is an attempt to boost research and development in the country by enabling and grooming potential PG/PhD students by means of developing their research skills in selected areas across different disciplines or fields.
It has two components: High-End Workshops (‘KARYASHALA’) and Research Internships (‘VRITIKA’).
The AV will work on mission mode, particularly with respect to its component dealing with consolidation / aggregation of all major scientific events in the country.
An Inter-Ministerial Overseeing Committee (IMOC) involving all the scientific ministries/departments and a few others has been constituted for the purpose of supporting SERB in implementing the AV scheme in a successful manner.