The All India Radio (AIR) has broadcast its first-ever news magazine program in Sanskrit on 4th July, 2020. It will give voices to the children and youth and their feelings about the great Indian tradition and culture.
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The weekly programme will have elements from the prominent developments of the week, news from the world of Sanskrit, explaining the humane values enshrined in Sanskrit literature, philosophy, history, art, culture and tradition.
The title of the programme has been kept ‘Sanskrit Saptahiki’ and will be aired on every Saturday on the 100.1 MHz, FM news Channel of All India Radio for a duration of 20 minutes starting at 7:10 A.M.
The newsmagazine will feature programmes such as Anvikshiki, Bal Vallari, Ek Bharat-Shreshtha Bharat, Gyan Vigyan, Prasang, Sanskrit Darshan, Saptahiki and Sukti.
Under the weekly programme, prominent developments that have occurred over the week will be showcased and discussed, and it will also include news from art, culture and tradition, the Sanskrit world, explanation of humane values enshrined in the history, literature, and philosophy of the Sanskrit language.
Under the Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat programme five common words that are regularly used will be translated from to Hindi from Sanskrit every week.
In the first edition, the programme will translate it to other Indian languages such as Hindi and Marathi in addition to Sanskrit.