Atul starts 4.5 minutes after chiru from the same point, for a place at a distance of 3.5 miles from the starting point. Chiru on reaching the destination turns back and walk a mile where he meets Atul. If chiru’s speed is a mile in 6 minutes then Atul’s speed is a mile in how much time?
(a) 3 min
(b) 5 min
(c) 7 min
(d) 9 min
Total distance = 1600 × 3.5
= 5600 meter.
Distance covered in 4.5 mint by Chiru is
1600/6*9/2=1200 m
Total distance covered by chiru
After 4.5 mint = 3600 – 1200 + 1600
= 6000 m
Distance covered by Atul =
Speed for 1 mile