……..larvae tunnel through the mid ribs of the comb and there is presence of small mass of minute wax particles outside the tunnels
READ MORE +……..larvae tunnel through the mid ribs of the comb and there is presence of small mass of minute wax particles outside the tunnels
READ MORE +……….is used during honey flow season to restrict queen to brood chamber and thereby preventing egg laying in the super
READ MORE +A spring like structure ……… for protecting queen cells
READ MORE +An iron strip used for opening of hive and its cleaning is
READ MORE +…………is used to brush the bees from frames
READ MORE +-------is used to calm down the bees while opening the hive
READ MORE +…………is used for preventing bee stings on face and neck
READ MORE +Brood chamber of hive is used for
READ MORE +….. is used to calm down the bees while opening the hive
READ MORE +The American Foul Brood disease is caused by
READ MORE +Chalk brood diseases is caused by
READ MORE +Stone brood disease is caused by