In workers egg laying apparatus is modified into
READ MORE +In workers egg laying apparatus is modified into
READ MORE +In Queen bee egg laying apparatus is called
READ MORE +Series of upturned hooks are present on front margin of each hind wing called
READ MORE +In adult workers abdomen appears--------- segmented
READ MORE +On -------------- legs, bushy tarsi serve as brushes for cleaning of thorax
READ MORE +Mouth parts of worker bees are modified for
READ MORE +Prothoracic legs serve as
READ MORE +Head bears ...............ocelli (simple eyes) on top portion which perceive degree of light
READ MORE +Head of Honey bee bears a pair of------- antennae
READ MORE +Thorax of honey bee is divded into ---------regions
READ MORE +Body of honey bee is divded into ---------regions
READ MORE +The pollen basket is present on------- leg