Q. This component provides a sticky character to bacterial cell (NEET 2017) GlycocalyxNuclear membraneCell wallPlasma membrane Answer: Glycocalyx
READ MORE +Q. This component provides a sticky character to bacterial cell (NEET 2017) GlycocalyxNuclear membraneCell wallPlasma membrane Answer: Glycocalyx
READ MORE +Q. ICBN stands for _______. International Code of Botanical NomenclatureIndian Code of Botanical NomenclatureIndian Congress of Biological namesIndian Congress of Botanical Nomenclature Answer: International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
READ MORE +Q. T.O. Diener discovered _______. BacteriophageInfectious proteinFree infectious DNAFree infectious RNA Answer: Free infectious RNA
READ MORE +Q. Who wrote the book “Genera Plantarum”? BesseyBenthem and HookerLinnaeusHutchinson Answer: Linnaeus
READ MORE +Q. Blue-green algae belong to which group? ProtistaProkaryotesFungiBryophytes Answer: Prokaryotes
READ MORE +Q. The protists have which of the following? Free nucleic acid aggregatesNucleoprotein in direct contact with the rest of the cell substanceMembrane-bound nucleoproteins within the cytoplasmNucleoproteins condensed together in a loose mass Answer: Membrane-bound nucleoproteins within the ...
READ MORE +Q. Static concept of species was proposed by _______. DarwinTheophrastusLinnaeusDe Candolle Answer: ales
READ MORE +Q. Phylogenetic classification is based on _______. Overall similaritiesHabit of plantsCommon evolutionary descendantsAll of these Answer: Common evolutionary descendants
READ MORE +Q. What is a taxon? A group of related familiesnA type of living organismsA group of related speciesA group of any ranking Answer: A group of any ranking
READ MORE +Q. Linnaeus evolved a system of nomenclature called VernacularMonomialPolynomialBinomial Answer: Binomial
READ MORE +Q. African Sleeping Sickness is caused by _______. Trypanozoma cruziTrypanozoma TangelaTrypanozoma rhodesienseTrypanozoma gambiense Answer: Trypanozoma gambiense
READ MORE +Q. What is the main basis of classification in the five-kingdom system? Structure of the nucleusStructure of cell wallAsexual ReproductionMode of Nutrition Answer: Mode of Nutrition