Q. Which of the following is not present in Bacteria? RNACell wallFlagellaMitochondria Answer: Mitochondria
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is not present in Bacteria? RNACell wallFlagellaMitochondria Answer: Mitochondria
READ MORE +Q. The gram negative bacteria detect and respond to chemicals in their surroundings by Volutin granulesLipopolysaccharidemuramic acidPorins Answer: Porins
READ MORE +Q. Bacteria used as biogas fermenters are HalophilesMethanogensCyanobacteriaVibrio bacteria Answer: Methanogens
READ MORE +Q. Organism a regarded as “Joker’s in microbiological park” BacteriaVirusMycoplasmaRickettsie Answer: Mycoplasma
READ MORE +Q. Bacteria do not need sunlight to grow because They prepare their food without the help of lightThey do not like sunlight brightnessDue to the absence of chlorophyll they are incapable of manufacture their own foodThey use other kinds of light for manufacturing their own food. Answer: Due ...
READ MORE +Q. The cells of cyanobacteria and bacteria exhibit similarly in having PlastidsNucleiDNACentrosome Answer: DNA
READ MORE +Q. Bacteria are classified on the basis of Method of reproductionNucleusCell wallpigments Answer: Cell wall
READ MORE +Q. The bacteria were first observed in the year 1675 by Carolus LinnaeusAlexander FlemingAnton Von LeenuwenhockRobert Brown Answer: Anton Von Leenuwenhock
READ MORE +Q. All fungi are AutotrophsSaprotrophsHeterotrophsParasites Answer: Saprotrophs
READ MORE +Q. Fungi which grow in dung are termed as CaprophilousTericolousSacxicolousSaxiphilous Answer: Caprophilous
READ MORE +Q. The region where bacterial genome resides is termed as NucleusCytoplasmaNucleoidRibosome free region Answer: Nucleoid
READ MORE +Q. All the bacteria fix nitrogen except … RhizobiumE ColiAzotobacterCyanobacteria Answer: E Coli