Q. Some bacteria thrive in extreme environment conditions such as absence of oxygen, high salt concentration, high temperature and acidic PH Name them CyanobacteriaEubacteriaArchaebacteriaStreptococcus Answer: Archaebacteria
READ MORE +Q. Some bacteria thrive in extreme environment conditions such as absence of oxygen, high salt concentration, high temperature and acidic PH Name them CyanobacteriaEubacteriaArchaebacteriaStreptococcus Answer: Archaebacteria
READ MORE +Q. Xerophytic characters are present in …………………….. Bryophytespteridophytesgymnospermsangiosperms Answer: gymnosperms
READ MORE +Q. The smallest gymnosperm is ……… Zamia sp.Eucalyptus sp.Wolffia sp.Sequoia sp. Answer: Zamia sp
READ MORE +Q. The tallest living tree in the world is ………….. Zamia sp.Eucalyptus sp.Wolffia sp.Sequoia sp. Answer: Sequoia sp.
READ MORE +Q. The first land plant on earth was Bryophytespteridophtesgymnospermsangiosperms Answer: pteridophtes
READ MORE +Q. In which plant ,gametophytic phase is main and sporophytic phase is subsidiary. Bryophytespteridophytesgymnospermsangiosperms Answer: Bryophytes
READ MORE +Q. Some bacteria thrive extreme environment conditions such as absence of oxygen, high salt concentration, high temperature and acidic pH. CyanobacteriaEubacteriaArchaebacteriaAll of the above Answer: Archaebacteria
READ MORE +Q. Kingdom Monera consist of ProkaryotesEukaryotesArchaebacteriaAll of the above Answer: Prokaryotes
READ MORE +Q. Fungi producing usually eight spores in a sac like structure belong to PhycomycetesAscomycetesBasidiomycetesDeuteromycetes Answer: Ascomycetes
READ MORE +Q. One of the following is a predatory fungus ArthrobotrysPucciniaFusariumAlternaria Answer: Arthrobotrys
READ MORE +Q. Ergot is obtained from RhizopusClavicepsAlbugoPhytomonas Answer: Claviceps
READ MORE +Q. Fungi can be distinguished from algae in fact that Cell wall is cellulosoic cell wall and chlorophyll is absentNucleus is presentMitochondria are absentCell wall is chitinous and chlorophyll is absent Answer: Cell wall is chitinous and chlorophyll is absent