Q. In which group of organisms the cell walls form two thin overlapping shells which fit together? EuglenoidsDinoflagellatesSlime mouldsChrysophytes Answer: Chrysophytes
READ MORE +Q. In which group of organisms the cell walls form two thin overlapping shells which fit together? EuglenoidsDinoflagellatesSlime mouldsChrysophytes Answer: Chrysophytes
READ MORE +Q. The structures that help some bacteria to attach to rocks and /or host tissues are: FimbriaeMesosomesHoldfastRhizoids Answer: Fimbriae
READ MORE +Q. The motile bacteria can move by: FimbriaeFlagellaCiliaPili Answer: Flagella
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following structures is not found in a prokaryotic cell? RibosomeMesosomePlasma membraneNuclear envelope Answer: Nuclear envelope
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following shows coiled RNA strand and capsomeres? PoliovirusTobacco mosaic virusMeasles virusRetrovirus Answer: Tobacco mosaic virus
READ MORE +Q. Archaebacteria differ from eubacteria in: Cell membraneMode of nutritionCell shapeMode of reproduction Answer: Cell shape
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following are likely to be present in deep seawater? EubacteriaBlue-green algaeSaprophytic fungiArchaebacteria Answer: Archaebacteria
READ MORE +Q. Satellite RNAs are present in some Plant virusesViroidsPrionsBacteriophages Answer: Plant viruses
READ MORE +Q. Five kingdom system of classification suggested by R.H. Whittaker is NOT based on: Presence or absence of a well-defined nucleusMode of reproductionMode of nutritionComplexity of body organization Answer: Presence or absence of a well-defined nucleus
READ MORE +Q. Specialized cells for fixing atmospheric nitrogen in Nostoc are AkinetesHeterocystsHormogoniaNodules Answer: Heterocysts
READ MORE +Q. The asexual spores are not found, vegetative reproduction occurs by fragmentation and sexual organs are absent. Identify the class of fungi. PhycomycetesAscomycetesBasidiomycetesDeuteromycetes Answer: Basidiomycetes
READ MORE +Q. Which amongst kingdom animalia has become recently extinct? snow leopardindian macaquecheetahtiger Answer: cheetah