Q. Bacteria that live in hot springs are called HalophilesThermoacidophilesMethanogensNone of the above Answer: Thermoacidophiles
READ MORE +Q. Bacteria that live in hot springs are called HalophilesThermoacidophilesMethanogensNone of the above Answer: Thermoacidophiles
READ MORE +Q. Red tides in sea appear due to EuglenaChrysophytesDinoflagellatesDiatoms Answer: Dinoflagellates
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is an indicator of air pollution? MycorrhizaAgaricusLichensCommon mushrooms Answer: Lichens
READ MORE +Q. Two organisms of the same class but different families will be kept under the same generaspeciesorderfamily Answer: order
READ MORE +Q. Quinine is obtained from PucciniaNeurosporaGonyaulaxCinchona Answer: Puccinia
READ MORE +Q. According to five-kingdom classification, which of the following does not contain nuclear membrane? ProtistaMoneraFungiAnimalia Answer: Monera
READ MORE +Q. Potato spindle tuber disease is caused by PhycobiontsVirusBacteriaViroids Answer: Viroids
READ MORE +Q. The natural system of Classification is based on morphologyevolutionary trendanatomyall of the above Answer: all of the above
READ MORE +Q. The scientist who created the group protista for both unicellular plants and animals is haeckepasteurlisterkoch Answer: haecke
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is not a viral disease? AIDSHerpesTuberculosisSmallpox Answer: Tuberculosis
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is used in biochemical and genetic work? ClavicepsAspergillusNeurosporaMucor Answer: Neurospora
READ MORE +Q. The two kingdom Classification was given by linnaeusjohn rayhuxleywhittaker Answer: huxley