Q. Membranous infolding in bacteria that initiate DNA replication is MesosomesCarboxysomeMagnetosomeNucleosome Answer: Mesosomes
READ MORE +Q. Membranous infolding in bacteria that initiate DNA replication is MesosomesCarboxysomeMagnetosomeNucleosome Answer: Mesosomes
READ MORE +Q. Extra chromosomal,circular ,double stranded ,self replicating DNA molecule in bacteria is called CosmidPlasmidPhasmidPhagemid Answer: Plasmid
READ MORE +Q. Which sentence is true for Bryophytes ? They are autotrophicvascular tissues are absentFertilisation take place in the presence of waterAll of the three Answer: All of the three
READ MORE +Q. Plant of this group possess naked seed PteridophytesAngiospermsGymnospermsBryophytes Answer: Gymnosperms
READ MORE +Q. Symbiotic relationship is found in …. AlgaeFungiBryophytesLichens Answer: Lichens
READ MORE +Q. The plant cell without chloroplast is …. AlgaeFungiBryophytesPteridophytes Answer: Fungi
READ MORE +Q. In lichens fungal component is known as ….. Mycobiontphycobiont1 & 2none of these Answer: 1 & 2
READ MORE +Q. Study of lichens is called AlgologyMycologyLichenologyCytology Answer: Lichenology
READ MORE +Q. In Fungi reserved food materials are ….. Glycogen and lipid dropletsStarchProteinLipid Answer: Glycogen and lipid droplets
READ MORE +Q. Fungus cell wall is made up of….. CelluloseProteinChitincarbohydrates Answer: Chitin
READ MORE +Q. The study of fungi is … CytologyMycologyVirologyAlgology Answer: Mycology
READ MORE +Q. Protista include… Paramecium,Euglena ,DinoflagellatesHydra,Amoeba,ParameciumYeast ,Euglena,DinoflagellatesMushroom,Paramecium ,Euglena Answer: Paramecium,Euglena ,Dinoflagellates