Biomolecules MCQs
All the following statements are true except

Q. All the following statements are true except Ornithine and citrulline are uncommon aminoacidsOrnithine is an intermediates in Urea cycleOrmithine and citrulline are uncommon amino acids present in many proteinsBoth ornithine and citrulline are intermediates in urea cycle Answer: Ormithine ...

Tri-peptide consists

Q. Tri-peptide consists 3 amino acids and 3 peptide bonds2 amino acids and 3 peptide bonds3 amino acids and 2 peptide bonds3 amino acids and 4 peptide bonds Answer: 3 amino acids and 2 peptide bonds

Lysis of a fibrin clot:

Q. Lysis of a fibrin clot: is an equibrium wwith formation of the clotbegins when plasmin binds to the clotrequires the hydrolysis of plasminogen into heavy and light chainsrequires conversion of plasminogen by tissue plasminogen activator Answer: requires conversion of plasminogen by tissue ...

When a muscle contracts, the

Q. When a muscle contracts, the Transverse tubules shorten, the myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum close togetherThin filaments and thick filaments of the sarcomere shortenLight chains dissociate from the heavy chains of myosinH bands and I bands of the sarcomere shorten because the thin ...

The nerve impulse that initiates muscular contraction

Q. The nerve impulse that initiates muscular contraction begins with the binding of acetyl choline to receptors in the sarcoplasmic reticulumcauses both the plasma membrane and the transverse tubules to undergo hyperpolariationcauses opening of calcium channels which lead to an increase in ...

Platelet aggregation:

Q. Platelet aggregation: is initiated at the site of an injury by conversion of fibrinogen to fibrinis inhibited in uninjured blood vessels by the secretion of prostacyclin by intact vascular endotheliumcauses morphological changes and a release of the vasodilator serotonineis inhibited by the ...

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