The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is headed by
READ MORE +The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is headed by
READ MORE +“It is an approach in which resources are used in balanced form to meet human needs without causing much harm to the natural environment, with this approach present needs of human beings can be met along with sustaining resources for future generation.’’ Which approach is discussed in above ...
READ MORE +Which of the following is not an argument in favour of social responsibility?
READ MORE +Corporate social responsibility is a term coined in India by
READ MORE +Responsibility of a business to prevent pollution can be categorized in which of the following category?
READ MORE +The management of Mars Ltd. manipulated its financial statements to show lesser earnings so that low rate of divident can be given. Identify the group whose interest is being ignored?
READ MORE +The elements of management system in quality environment of TQM is
READ MORE +Which is the approach to corporate planning?
READ MORE +Which statement is/are true?
READ MORE +The environmental analysis includes
READ MORE +The ethical dilemma of choosing between two rights refers to
READ MORE +Which is the aspects of TQM efforts?